Olimpia Di Nardo

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Olimpia Di Nardo (born February 28, 1948 in Naples , † May 29, 2003 in Rome ) was an Italian actress and singer .


Di Nardo worked mainly for the Italian stages and was seen in a number of musical comedies such as Garinei and Giovannini 's "Rugantino". She became known to a wider audience through the recurring role as "Angela", the wife of the unconventional police inspector "Nico Giraldi" in the "Superbullen" series of the 1970s and 1980s. In addition to her acting career, she also pursued one as a singer, with several recordings made. In the 1970s, Di Nardo presented the children's program "Facciamo i compiti insieme", which was broadcast by a Roman station. She often played alongside Lando Fiorini on cabaret stages .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1976: Hippie Nico from the Kripo (Squadra antifurto)
  • 1980: Penalty for the great bull (Delitto al Porta Romana)
  • 1981: A rascal out of control (Delitto al ristorante cinese)
  • 1982: The rascal off Highway 101 (Delitto sull'autostrada)
  • 1983: Formula I and hot girls (Delitto in formula uno)
  • 1984: A super donkey on the Ku'Damm (Delitto al Blue Gay)


  • 1976: La notte che j'ho regalato / Er crane
  • 1981: Come se pò spiegà cos'è l'amore / À stupida (with Lando Fiorini )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Death report in the Corriere della Sera
  2. Scomparsa Olimpia Di Nardo (Italian). cinecitta.com. May 29, 2003. Retrieved October 31, 2015.