Oliver Brunner

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Oliver Brunner (born May 27, 1969 in Hann. Münden ) is a German dramaturge , theater director , production manager and acting director at the theater.


After graduating from high school, Oliver Brunner studied Modern German Literature, Theater Studies, Communication Studies / Newspaper Studies at the LMU Munich , which he did in 1997 with a thesis on Thomas Bernhard's novel Auslöschung. A decay to Magister Artium (MA) graduated.

He then worked until 2011 as assistant director and artistic assistant to Dieter Dorn at the Münchner Kammerspiele and the Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel . He worked with Helmut Griem , Christof Loy , Peter Wittenberg, Antoine Uitdehaag , Georg Ringsgwandl and Dieter Dorn.

In 2003 he directed Marie NDiaye's play Hilda in the Haus der Kunst in the German premiere.

From 2006 to 2011 Brunner was artistic director at the Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel and deputy to the artistic director, with two teaching assignments at the Bavarian Theater Academy August Everding.

From June 2007 to June 2008 he worked on the reopening production in the Munich Cuvillies Theater Idomeneo by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, directed by Dieter Dorn (premiere June 14, 2008), a production of the Bavarian State Opera.

In 2009, Brunner took part in the theater and music management training course at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, theater studies (Christopher Balme) , in cooperation with the Bavarian Theater Academy August Everding and the German Stage Association, Federal Association of Theaters and Orchestras, Prof. Klaus Zehelein.

From October 2009 to July 2010 Brunner worked on the conception for Orpheus and Eurydike by Christoph Willibald Gluck, directed by Dieter Dorn (premiere July 31, 2010), a production of the Salzburg Festival.

In 2012 he took over the overall management of the 30th Bavarian Theater Days in Augsburg.

From the 2012/2013 to 2015/2016 season, Brunner was permanently engaged at the Augsburg Theater, first as a dramaturge and production manager ( Brechtfestival 2013 to 2015, NO! NO, supporting program for Luigi Nono's Intolleranza 1960 , directed by Ludger Engels ) and since 2014 as artistic operations director Play. In addition, together with the chief dramaturge Maria Viktoria Linke, he forms the artistic direction of drama at the Augsburg Theater .

As of the 2016/2017 season, Brunner is acting director at the Staatstheater Darmstadt .

Theatrography (selection)

as a director
  • 2003: Hilda
as a dramaturge
  • 2012: Israel, mon amour
  • 2013: the cactus
  • 2013: Bernarda Alba's house
  • 2013: No! No. Actions and Performances
  • 2013: My friend the tree, SKART
  • 2014: Crazy Blood
  • 2014: A summer night
  • 2014: Sindbad the seafarer
  • 2015: Peter Pan
  • 2016: The wild duck
  • 2017: Caligula
  • 2017: The Rote Zora
  • 2018: Around the world in 80 days
  • 2018: Faith Love Hope

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. nachtkritik.de Oliver Brunner becomes acting director in Darmstadt. December 11, 2015