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Ololiuqui (also: Qloliuhqui ) is a drug from the seeds of several, usually two wind plants (Convolvulaceae). The most important species has the botanical name Turbina corymbosa (Syn .: Rivea corymbosa ). Another species is Ipomoea violacea (Syn .: Ipomoea tricolor , Ipomoea rubro-caerulea ), they are traded under the name Morning Glory . The bindweed family grows in southern Mexico and northern Central America and is related to the sky-blue morning glory ( Ipomoea tricolor ).

Application effects and composition

The drug was, and is, used by the Native Mexican people, and among others. a. used by the descendants of the Aztecs and Mayas for ritual purposes as entheogens due to their hallucinogenic effects . The natives and mestizos grind the hard seeds of the winds and swell the powder in agave beer . After filtering, the intoxicating drink is supposed to expand memory well into childhood and lead to a hypnotic deep trance. The active ingredients LSA (lysergic acid amide) and LSH (lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) contained in Ololiuqui are chemically related to LSD .


As early as the 16th century , the Spanish conquistadors tried to prevent the use of the substance under threat of draconian punishment, but this never succeeded. According to the indigenous people, ololiuqui allows one to leave the body. During this out-of-body experience, be it the shaman or priest who is ingesting it, it is possible to talk to spirits and demons as well as to see into the future. The drug is also used by the indigenous people to find lost items and solve crimes. The historical use of this drink was observed by the Spanish clergyman Hernando Ruiz de Alarcón in Mexico in the 17th century and recorded in his treatise "Tratado de las supersticiones y costumbres gentilicias que hoy viven entre los indios naturales de esta Nueva España".


The active ingredients are produced by endophytes .

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Schmidbauer , Jürgen vom Scheidt: Handbuch der Rauschdrogen, pp. 277 ff. , 4th edition, 1999, ISBN 3-596-13980-5 .


  • Albert Hofmann : The "magic winds" Ololiuqui , in: LSD - my problem child. The discovery of a “miracle drug” , Munich, 9th edition 2001, pp. 126-134. ISBN 3-423-36135-2
  • Albert Hofmann, H. Tscherten: Isolation of lysergic acid alkaloids from the Mexican magic drug Ololiuqui , in: Experientia 16 , p. 414, 1960.
  • H. Heimann: The effect of ololiuqui in contrast to psilocybin , in: Neuropsychopharmacology 4 , pp. 474-477, 1965.

Web links

Commons : Turbina corymbosa  - album with pictures, videos and audio files