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Onomasticon ( Greek  ὀνομαστικόν , from ὄνομα "name"; plural onomastics ) denotes works of ancient scholarship, the object of which was the compilation and investigation of names and terms of a certain subject. The terms were not listed alphabetically, as in a lexicon , but compiled according to their contexts of meaning. The alphabetical sorting was already used for dictionaries in the 1st century ( Marcus Verrius Flaccus ), but the onomasticon was the common form for general compilations of names, explanations and definitions until late antiquity.

Single onomastics

Unless otherwise noted, only fragments of the following works have survived. The arrangement is roughly chronological.

  • Gorgias Onomastikón
  • Democritus Onomasticon
  • Kallimachos Ethnikaí onomasíai ( Ἐθνικαὶ ὀνομασίαι "names of peoples")
  • Eratosthenes Skeuographikón ( Σκευογραφικόν ; names of household appliances) and Architektonikón ( Ἀρχιτεκτονικόν terms from the craft)
  • Apollonios Nautika ( Ναυτικά , terms from seafaring)
  • Amerias Rhizotomikón ( Ῥιζοτομικόν , names of medicinal plants)
  • Soranos Latrika onomata ( Ἰατρικὰ ὀνόματα , drug names )
  • Artemidor of Tarsis Opsartytikai glossai ( Ὀψαρτυτικαὶ γλῶσσαι , "expressions of the cooks")
  • Tryphon Phytiká ( Φυτικά , name of edible plants)
  • Philemon of Aixone Attica onomata ( Ἀττικὰ ὀνόματα , Attic names)
  • Galenos Politika onomata ( Πολιτικὰ ὀνόματα , terms used in everyday language from comedy)
  • Pamphilos of Alexandria Peri glosson kai onomaton ( Περὶ γλωσσῶν καὶ ὀνομάτων "On glosses and names")
  • Iulius Pollux Onomasticon (received in a version edited by Arethas of Caesarea )
  • Suetonius Liber de genere vestium (in Greek) and De vitiis corporalibus
  • Nonius Marcellus Compendiosa Doctrina (preserved in parts)
  • Eusebius of Caesarea Περι τῶν τοπικῶν ὀμομάτῶν , short title Onomasticon (alphabetically ordered treatment of biblical place names, preserved fourth and last part of a four-part work that dealt with biblical names of peoples and geography of Palestine and Jerusalem in the other writings)
  • Hieronymus De situ et nominibus locorum hebraicorum (Latin translation and revision of the Onomasticon of Eusebius; preserved)
  • Hieronymus Liber interpreationis hebraicorum nominum (treatment of biblical proper names based on Greek sources; preserved)
  • Isidore of Seville Etymologiae (comprehensive encyclopedia in 20 books, the proper names in connection with biblical persons (Book VII), persons and deities of Greco-Roman antiquity (Book VIII), animals (Book XII), plants (Book XVII) and geographical Places (Book XIV) treated; received)

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Renzo Tosi: Onomastikon in: Der Neue Pauly , Stuttgart 1996ff. The exact author could not be determined.
  2. a b Erich Klostermann : The Onomasticon of the biblical place names. http: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3Dp1eusebiuswer03euse~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3Dn8~doppelseiten%3D~LT%3D%27%27Das%20Onomastikon%20der%20 biblical .%20Ortsnames. % 27% 27 ~ PUR% 3DEusebius Works Vol. 3.1. Hinrichs, Leipzig 1904