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Oocystis borgei

Oocystis borgei

without rank: Chloroplastida
without rank: Chlorophyta
without rank: Trebouxiophyceae
Order : Chlorellales
Family : Oocystaceae
Genre : Oocystis
Scientific name
Nägeli ex A. Braun

Oocystis is an algae - genus from the class of Trebouxiophyceae .


Oocystis forms lemon-shaped to elliptical, unglithed cells (length: 3–65 µm) with a nucleus and one or more wall-mounted chloroplasts with pyrenoid . The cells live individually or in groups of two, four or eight cells in the blistered swollen mother cell wall. Some of them are grouped into superordinate associations. The cell wall is smooth, sometimes with polar swellings.


The asexual reproduction (rarely more) is achieved by the formation of two, four or eight auto spores .

Sexual reproduction is unknown.

Types (selection)


The genus lives in the plankton and benthos of lakes, ponds and mountain lakes, as well as in moors and in the ground.


  • Karl-Heinz Linne von Berg, Michael Melkonian u. a .: The Kosmos algae guide. The most important freshwater algae under the microscope. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-440-09719-6 .

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