Optimus Telecomunicações

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Optimus - Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia

legal form Sociedade Anónima (SA)
founding 1998
Seat Matosinhos , Portugal
management Miguel Almeida, chairman of the board
Number of employees circa 1700
Branch telecommunications
Website www.optimus.pt

Headquarters in Matosinhos

Optimus Telecomunicações SA was a Portuguese mobile operator. The parent company is the conglomerate Sonaecom of the Sonae Group of Belmiro de Azevedo .

The company was founded in 1997 and started its GSM operation on September 15, 1998. The minority shareholder is Orange , a subsidiary of France Télécom . In 2004 the company's appearance in the advertising market was changed from blue to orange.

The mobile phone code is 93. Internet services are offered with GPRS and third generation 3G mobile phone standards under the name Kanguru , with minimum speeds of 386 kbits / s. Kanguru Xpress has offered more than 1.8 MB / s via HSDPA since May 2006 .

In 2013 the merger of ZON Multimédia and Optimus to form Zon Optimus was announced. The agreement provides for an increase in Zon's share capital. Optimus shareholders will receive around 40 percent of the new company. Taken together, Zon and Optimus have a turnover of more than 1.6 billion euros and a market share of 26 percent.

ZON Multimedia and Optimus merged in 2014 to form the company NOS .

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.zonoptimus.pt/institucional/PT/sobre-a-zon-optimus/equipa-de-gestao/Paginas/Equipa/miguel_almeida.aspx
  2. http://www.zonoptimus.pt/institucional/EN/Pages/Home.aspx
  3. http://www.rp-online.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/in-portugal-entestand-neuer-telekomriese-aid-1.3143577

Web links