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Oravački is a Serbian dialect spoken in and around Orahovac , Kosovo , with an estimated 25,000 speakers.

It is a variant of Torlak , which is based on Old štokavian . What is special about this is that the majority of speakers are Albanians , and to a lesser extent also from the minorities of Serbs , Roma , Ashkali and Egyptians . This dialect is spoken in Orahovac, Prizren , Manastirica, Pousko and in other villages in Kosovo. Due to the lack of relation of many Albanian speakers to the Serbian literary language, especially since the developments in Kosovo after 1999 , Oravački has to be described as a roofless dialect for the majority of its speakers . In addition to general characteristics of Torlak, it is typical:

  • Formation of questions by adding an "A" (perhaps an influence of Albanian )
    A si spála? * ("Have you (f) slept?", Standard Serbian :
    Jesi li spavala? )
  • The -l vocalized to -o in the male singular-l participles becomes -ja * . Yes sëm spíja. ("I slept.", Standard Serbian : Yes sam spavao. )
  • Lots of foreign word adoptions, v. a. from Turkish , e.g. B. kërmíd * ("onion") , džam * ("glass")
  • Own vocabulary based on life in Rahovec, e.g. B. pazár * ("Saturday", Saturday is market day in Rahovec / Orahovac), u Ćéndru * ("in the youth center" from the Albanian Qendra rinore , but with a (reduced) Serbian grammar, used more by Albanians) , u Šíler * ("in the youth center / in the youth center" by the German founding organization " Schüler Helfen Leben ", more commonly used by Serbian speakers)
  • Regional expressions: sédnem na nóge. * (Literally: "I am sitting on my feet *", i.e. "I am standing", standard Serbian : Ja sednem na nogama * , ja stojim )


  • Gerlachlus Duijzings : Religion and the politics of identity in Kosovo , C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 2000, p. 73, ISBN 978-1-85065-431-5 .
  • Глиша Елезовић: Један оглед нашега говора из Ораховца у Подрими код Призрена . In: Јужнословенски филолог XVIII. Београд 1949–1950. 133-140.
  • Митра Рељић: Српски језик као Равачки међу ораховачким Албанцима данас . In: Славистика XII. Београд 2008. 317–325.

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