Orazio Farnese (General)

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The monument to General Orazio Farnese.

Orazio Farnese (born January 24, 1636 in Piacenza , † November 2, 1656 off Zakynthos ) was a Venetian general. He comes from the Farnese family .

His parents were Odoardo I. Farnese (1612–1646) and Margherita de 'Medici (1612–1679).

As a general he was able to distinguish himself in the 6th Venetian Turkish War (1645–1669) in the battle for Crete. He also took part in the Battle of the Dardanelles in 1656. He and his brother Odoardo II Farnese financed the troops under his command themselves. He died when his ship sank off the Ionian island of Zakynthos.

After his death, the Council of Venice had a magnificent tomb erected for him in the church Chiesa dei Gesuiti (today: Santa Maria Assunta ). The tomb was designed by Baldassare Longhena and is located in a chapel to the right of the high altar.


  • Adalbert Müller: Venice's art treasures and historical memories. A guide in the city and on the neighboring islands. HF Münster, Venice et al. 1857, p. 204 .
  • Douglas Lewis: Three State Tombs by Longhena. In: The Burlington Magazine . Vol. 142, No. 1173, December 2000, pp. 763–769, Abstarkt (Eng.)

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