Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross

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The Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross - OTRC (Order of the Temple of the Rosicrucian, also the theosophical Temple of the Rosicrucian) was a Rosicrucian order that was founded in 1912 by members of the Theosophical Society Adyar in London. During the First World War , however, the activity of the order was completely stopped. Annie Besant , Marie Russak and James Wedgwood were among the founders. The majority consisted of members of the Theosophical Society and members of the mixed-sex Masonic grand lodge Le Droit Humain . The explorer and writer Wilhelm Hübbe Schleiden is said to have been one of its German members .

The April 1912 issue of The Vahan states that the OTRC is devoted to the study of the Mysteries, Rosicrucianism , Kabbalah , Astrology , Freemasonry , Symbolism, Christian ceremonies, mystical traditions and the mysteries of the West. In 1912, in the June issue of Sophia , the council or board of directors of the order was made up of 12 brothers who were deeply committed to occultism and the archaic mysteries. One hoped to be a useful instrument under the inspiration of the master Rákóczi alias Saint Germain . Above all, the declared aim was to revive the ancient mysteries and prepare the world for the coming of the Master of the World. The master of the world (world teacher) was understood with great certainty as Jiddu Krishnamurti , who was brought up in the theosophical sense by Annie Besant in Adyar ( India ) and later in England. The following can be read in the English edition of Sophia :

“The Council of the Order is composed by 12 Brothers deeply interested in all that refers to the Ceremonial Occultism and Archaic Mysteries, and that they hope to form an useful instrument, under the inspiration of the Master Rakoczi, to resuscitate the Old Mysteries and to prepare the arrival of the Master of the World " . (The Council of the Order is composed of 12 Brothers who have a deep interest in ceremonial occultism and archaic mysteries. They hope, under the inspiration of Master Rakoczi, to be a useful tool for the revival of the ancient mysteries and the arrival of the Master of the World to prepare.)

The members of the OTRC apparently wore tunics and followed the Benedictine motto " Ora et Labora ". The brothers and sisters met twice a week in their oratorios and laboratories. In the oratorios one discussed and philosophized about spiritual texts. In the laboratories one turned again to one's inner being. One of their main meeting places can be seen at the Grand Temple of the Rosy Cross . It was inaugurated on May 7, 1914 in the Krotona Colony (Hollywood, California) of the Theosophical Society. The temple could seat 350 people and was used for larger readings. After the order was dissolved, co-founder Mary Russak joined the AMORC, founded by Harvey Spencer Lewis in 1915 .

The order was resumed in Italy in 2016 .


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Individual evidence

  1. ordre_du_temple_de_la_rose_croix. Retrieved June 24, 2019 .