Oreios (father of Oxylos)

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Oreios ( Greek  Ὄρειος ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

According Pherenikos , a Greek epic poet indefinite, perhaps Hellenistic time position, he was the father of Oxylus , who with his sister Hamadryas the hamadryads witnessed, those nymphs that live in trees and are closely bound up with the fate of the tree. The particular traditional granddaughters of Oreios were Karya , Kraneia , Aigeiros , Orea , Balanos , Ptelea , Ampelos and Syke . In addition, according to Pherenikos, he had other granddaughters. The name of each of these daughters was the inspiration for the Greek name of a tree species, Ptelea for the elm , Aigeiros for the black poplar and Balanos for the acorn .


  • Pherenikos in Athenaios, Deipnosophistai 3, 78 B
