Oreophryne albopunctata

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Oreophryne albopunctata
Order : Frog (anura)
Subordination : Neobatrachia
Family : Narrow-mouth frogs (Microhylidae)
Subfamily : Papuan narrow-mouth frogs (Asterophryinae)
Genre : Oreophryne
Type : Oreophryne albopunctata
Scientific name
Oreophryne albopunctata
( Van Kampen , 1909)

Oreophryne albopunctata is a species of amphibian from the subfamily of the Papuan narrow-mouth frogs (Asterophryinae).


The species reaches a length of 25 millimeters. The animals are brownish, the top of the body is darker. An indistinct dark band is occasionally present between the eyes. There is a W-shaped spot on the back of the head and a pair of light, dark-edged spots in the sacral area. The anal area is blackish. The underside is more or less darkly dusted, especially on the throat and chest. There is a white spot in the middle of the top of the lower leg. The fingers and toes are fully curled. The head is wider than it is long and one-third as long as the head and trunk together. The forehead is rounded, protruding and shorter than the diameter of the eye. The canthus rostralis is rounded. The rein region slopes almost vertically and is slightly deepened. The interorbital space is much wider than an upper eyelid. The eardrum is very indistinct and about a third as wide as the eye. The first finger is much shorter than the second. Of the large adhesive discs on the short fingers, that of the third finger is wider than half the diameter of the eye. The third and fifth toes are the same length. The adhesive discs on the short toes are slightly smaller than those on the fingers. The subarticular cusps and metatarsal cusps are flat. With the hind leg placed against the body, the tibiotarsal joint extends to the eardrum or the rear edge of the eye. The skin is smooth.


Oreophryne albopunctata is only known from the type locality in New Guinea in the vicinity of Sabang on the Lorentz River .


Oreophryne albopunctata was first described in 1909 by Pieter Nicolaas van Kampen as Cophixalus crucifer . Van Kampen placed the species in the genus Oreophryne in 1913 .


Oreophryne albopunctata is classified by the IUCN as "Data Deficient" (insufficient data basis).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz Nieden: Anura II . In: FE Schulze, W. Kükenthal, K. Heider (Ed.): Das Tierreich . Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin and Leipzig 1926, pp. 41–42.
  2. a b Darrel R. Frost: Oreophryne albopunctata (Van Kampen, 1909) . In: Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference . Version 6.0 (accessed March 11, 2017). ( online ).
  3. oreophryne albopunctata in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2016 Posted by: Stephen Richards, David Price, 2004. Accessed March 11, 2017th