Oreophryne monticola

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Oreophryne monticola
Oreophryne monticola.jpeg

Oreophryne monticola

Order : Frog (anura)
Subordination : Neobatrachia
Family : Narrow-mouth frogs (Microhylidae)
Subfamily : Papuan narrow-mouth frogs (Asterophryinae)
Genre : Oreophryne
Type : Oreophryne monticola
Scientific name
Oreophryne monticola
( Boulenger , 1897)

Oreophryne monticola is a species of amphibian from the subfamily of the Papuan narrow-mouth frogs (Asterophryinae).


The species reaches a length of 26 millimeters. The animals are very varied in color. The top of the body is gray, brown or aniline red, monochrome or darkly mottled or marbled. A yellowish white stripe from the upper eyelid to the softness may be present or absent. Occasionally there is a fine, whitish line along the center of the back and the hind legs. The underside of the body is white or pink. The medial side of the hind legs is usually bright pink. The throat is speckled brown or completely dark brown. The front head is short and rounded. The canthus rostralis is weak. The interorbital space is as wide as or wider than an upper eyelid. The eardrum is not visible. The first finger is shorter than the second. The tips of the fingers and toes are widened into well-developed adhesive discs . The toes are webbed together. Subarticular cusps are absent. Medial metatarsal cusps are very indistinct. With the hind leg in contact with the body, the tibiotarsal joint extends to the shoulder or temple. The skin is smooth or covered with small warts on the upper side of the body, but indistinctly granular on the belly.


Oreophryne monticola occurs only on the islands of Lombok and Bali in Indonesia , which are part of the Lesser Sunda Islands . The species lives there in mountain forests at altitudes above 1000 meters.


Oreophryne monticola was first described in 1897 by George Albert Boulenger as Sphenophryne monticola . Van Kampen placed the species in the genus Oreophryne in 1923 .


Oreophryne monticola is classified by the IUCN as "Endangered" (highly endangered).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz Nieden: Anura II . In: FE Schulze, W. Kükenthal, K. Heider (Ed.): Das Tierreich . Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin and Leipzig 1926, pp. 44–45.
  2. ^ A b Darrel R. Frost: Oreophryne monticola (Boulenger, 1897) . In: Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference . Version 6.0 (accessed July 29, 2017). ( online ).
  3. a b oreophryne monticola in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2017. Posted by: Djoko Iskandar, Mumpuni, 2004. Accessed July 29, 2017th