Orquesta Académica de Madrid

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The Orquesta Académica de Madrid ( Academic Orchestra of Madrid ) is a Spanish orchestra based in Madrid . It is under the direction of its founder, Iñigo Pírfano . It currently consists of 65 members.


The Academic Orchestra of Madrid at the Festival of Sacred Music

Iñigo Pírfano founded the orchestra in 1997 with the aim of creating a professional orchestra of young musicians. The orchestra gave its first concert three years after it was founded with the music for the ballet El amor brujo by Manuel de Falla in the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid . With a repertoire of works from the Baroque to compositions from the 20th century, the claim to professionalism is to be met. So the orchestra worked z. B. in 2003 with the performance of Pergolesi's Stabat mater in the mosque of Cordoba , the year before in de Falla's puppet theater El retablo de maese Pedro , also in the Circulo de Bellas Artes.

In addition to the works mentioned, the orchestra made recordings of a concert for the 200th birthday of Joseph Haydn in 2009, together with the soprano Elvia Sanchez , as well as another from the Festival de música sacra (2011), at which it performed with the soprano Sonia de Munck . DVDs exist of both concerts.

The orchestra's chamber music ensemble

In 2006 a chamber music ensemble made up of members of the orchestra was founded. The ensemble, whose repertoire includes works from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri to Richard Strauss , Gustav Mahler and Francis Poulenc , also played in the tapestry hall of the royal palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso as part of a tour through Spain .

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