Orra White Hitchcock

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Orra White Hitchcock

Orra White Hitchcock (born March 1796 in Amherst (Massachusetts) , † May 26, 1863 there ) was an American painter and botanist .

Orra White Hitchcock was the daughter of Jarib White , a farmer in Amherst, Massachusetts. At school, she excelled in science, art, Latin, and Greek. At the age of seventeen she became an assistant teacher in the arts , cartography, and astronomy at Deerfield Academy. In 1821 she married Edward Hitchcock , the head of the school. She accompanied her husband on his scientific expeditions and illustrated many of his works. In addition, she devoted herself to botany , where her drawing skills were of great use.

She is considered to be one of the first American female artists. She and her husband had eight children, two of whom, Edward Hitchcock Jr. (1828-1911) and Charles Henry Hitchcock (1836-1919), also achieved scientific fame.


  • Julie R. Newell, The Hitchcock Family: A Case Study in Patterns of Geological Training and Employment in Antebellum America , Ed. Geological Society of America (GSA)
  • Herbert, Robert: A Woman of Amherst: The Travel Diaries of Orra White Hitchcock, 1847 and 1850 . Iuniverse Inc, 2008. ISBN 059548669X

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