Charles Henry Hitchcock

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Charles Henry Hitchcock.

Charles Henry Hitchcock (born August 23, 1836 in Amherst , Massachusetts , † November 5, 1919 in Honolulu , Hawaii ) was an American geologist .

He was the son of the geologist Edward Hitchcock and the painter and botanist Orra White Hitchcock . He accompanied his father on the Vermont geological survey expedition in the 1840s. In 1861 he became a geologist for the State of Maine . In 1862 he published the "Report upon the Natural History and Geology of the State of Maine". 1866-1867 he went on study trips to England , where he was particularly interested in the fossils of the British Museum in London , and to Switzerland , where he examined the glaciers. From 1868 to 1878 he was the State Geologist of New Hampshire and carried out its geological survey. He published his results in "The Geology of New Hampshire" (1874–1878). He also published the first geological atlas of New Hampshire ("Atlas to Accompany the Geology of New Hampshire" , 1878).

Hitchcock had been a professor of geology and mineralogy at Dartmouth College in Hanover , New Hampshire, since 1868 . He held this post until 1908. Among his students he was nicknamed "type" because he had described numerous rock formations of New Hampshire and their "type localities" and lectured extensively on it. In addition to geology, he dealt with meteorology , paleontology and volcanology and also made considerable contributions here.


  • Julie R. Newell, "The Hitchcock Family: A Case Study in Patterns of Geological Training and Employment in Antebellum America," Ed. Geological Society of America (GSA)