Oskar Gimnig

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Oskar Gimnig

Oskar Gimnig (born December 7, 1857 in Königsberg (Prussia) ; † January 23, 1920 in Vienna ; actually Oskar Treusch von Buttlar-Brandenfels ) was a German actor.


Gimnig was originally intended for naval service and made a longer sea voyage after completing the nautical school. However, he was drawn to the stage and was trained by Franz Deutschinger . He made his debut in Oldenburg as "Joachim Nüßler" in Onkel Bräsig .

This was followed by several years at various touring stages. He was then firmly engaged in Berlin , Koblenz , Budapest and Salzburg . In 1885 he came to Vienna, where he first played at the Carltheater and from 1892 was a member of the Hofburgtheater . Gimnig mainly played humorous roles. In 1898 he was appointed a real court actor.

In 1959 the Gimniggasse in Vienna- Favoriten was named after him.
