Osterdorf (abandoned place)

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Osterdorf is a lost place in Bavaria .


Osterdorf was east of Kevenhüll in today's Eichstätt district ; an exact localization is not possible.


“Osterendorf” was first mentioned in 1080 as a border town of the wild bans between Biberbach and Tegeningen , which Heinrich IV gave to the Eichstätt Bishop Udalrich. On October 19, 1305, the place was awarded to the bishop in the Gaimersheim Treaty . In 1306 and 1307, the bishop also received the village court in the dispute with the imperial bailiffs in Nuremberg . In the second half of the 14th century next to the bishop also had Benedictine - monastery Plankstetten held here; later there is no more talk of it. In 1407 there were four episcopal hereditary estates in the village, which were subject to interest to the Oberamt Hirschberg of the lower bishopric . In 1447 three of these goods were in the hands of Dietfurt citizens, so they were managed in the secondary business. Only one estate was operated by a Leonhard Kamerlein on site.

In a description of the property from 1644, Osterdorf is no longer mentioned; the place probably perished in the Thirty Years' War at the latest .


  • Felix Mader: History of the castle and Oberamt Hirschberg. Eichstätt: Brönner & Daentler 1940, p. 216f.

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