Ottilia Ludwig

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Ottilia Augusta Maria Hedwig Ludwig (born April 19, 1813 in Söllichau , † June 20, 1900 in Annaburg ) was a German writer.


She was born as the daughter of the chief forest manager August von Pflugk and his second wife Friederike Augusta Caroline nee. Born from Süßmilch called Hörnigs.

In the Oberforstamt in the small village of Söllichau, in the Dübener Heide , under relatively modest conditions, it was not possible for Ottilia's parents to find a husband who was appropriate for their daughter. She finally took it into her own hands and willingly married, at the age of 39, in 1852 the auxiliary hunter Ludwig. As a result of this marriage, he was promoted to the position of Hegemeister and then moved to Sayda in this position . He died in 1882 after 30 years of marriage. His widow found accounts of forestry in his estate. The now 70-year-old edited this and received a lot of recognition. Stimulated by this, she was now active as a writer. In the entertainment supplement of the Saale-Zeitung , Ottilia Ludwig published weekly stories that were collected in two volumes in 1884. In addition, poems and other smaller publications by Ludwig appeared in various journals.

In later years she moved to one of her sons, who was the royal chamber forester, in Annaburg, and finally died there.


  • My forest life. Continuation series in the Saale-Zeitung, 1883
  • From forest life - pictures from life in the forester's house. 2 volumes, Halle ad Saale 1884, several editions
  • A reminder of the October days of 1813. Saale-Zeitung, 1888


  • Hans-Joachim Böttcher : Ludwig, Ottilia Augusta Maria Hedwig , in: Important historical personalities of the Düben Heath, AMF - No. 237, 2012, p. 63.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sophie Pataky: Lexicon of German women of the pen . tape 1 . Berlin 1898, p. 525-526 .