Otto Arndts

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Otto Arndts (born November 5, 1879 , resident in Berlin ; † 1963 ; full name: Arndts-Charlottenburg, Otto Erwin Engelbert ) was a German portrait and landscape painter .


He was the son of the painter Karl Arndts. Otto Arndts studied at the Académie Julian in Paris , from 1902 at the Munich Royal Art Academy with Johann Caspar Herterich and Carl von Marr , and at the Dresden Art Academy with Carl Bantzer and Eugen Bracht . Otto Arndts was a member of the Dresden artist group in 1913 and of the Berlin Artists' Association in whose exhibitions he regularly participated.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1908: Great Berlin art exhibition
  • 1910: Great Berlin art exhibition
  • 1912: Great Berlin art exhibition
  • 1912: Dresden, exhibition in honor of Privy Councilor, Hofrat Professor Eugen Bracht , Ernst Arnold Gallery .
  • 1914: Great Berlin art exhibition
  • 1914: Dresden, Dresden artist group 1913. Exhibition of paintings, graphics, drawings and plastic works , Galerie Ernst Arnold.
  • 1925: Great Berlin art exhibition
  • 1925: Berlin, jury-free art show
  • 1929: One Hundred Years of Berlin Art , Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1930: Great Berlin art exhibition
  • 1931: Great Berlin art exhibition
  • 1933: Düsseldorf, exhibition by the Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1934: Berlin, autumn exhibition , Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1935: Berlin, autumn exhibition , Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1936: Berlin, autumn exhibition , Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1937: Berlin, spring exhibition , Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1937: Berlin, autumn exhibition , Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1937: Great German Art Exhibition in Munich
  • 1937: Hamburger Kunsthalle
  • 1938: Berlin, spring exhibition , Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1938: Berlin, autumn exhibition , Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1939: Berlin, spring exhibition , Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1939: Berlin, autumn exhibition , Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1939: Great German Art Exhibition in Munich
  • 1940: Great German Art Exhibition in Munich
  • 1940: Berlin, German Cityscapes and Landscapes , Association of Berlin Artists
  • 1941: Great German Art Exhibition in Munich
  • 1942: Düsseldorf, spring exhibition Düsseldorf
  • 1946: Berlin, Art Exhibition of the West , Schöneberg Town Hall


  • Arndts, Otto . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 1 : A-D . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1953, p. 66 .

Individual evidence

  1. Matriculation Book 1884–1920. Academy of Fine Arts Munich. Retrieved December 5, 2015 .
  2. ^ A b Ruth Negendanck : The Ernst Arnold Gallery (1893–1951). Art trade and contemporary history . Publishing house and database for the humanities, Weimar 1998, ISBN 3-932124-37-5 , p. 443, 459 .
  3. ^ Dresdner Künstlergruppe 1913. Exhibition of paintings, graphics, drawings and plastic works. February 1 to February 21, 1914 . Galerie Ernst Arnold, Dresden 1914 ( digitized - exhibition catalog).