Johann Caspar Herterich

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Johann Caspar Herterich

Johann Caspar Herterich (also Johann Kaspar Herterich ; born April 3, 1843 in Ansbach ; † October 26, 1905 in Munich ) was a German history and genre painter and teacher at the Munich Royal Art Academy .


Johann Caspar Herterich was the son of the sculptor and restorer Franz Herterich (1798–1876) and the older brother of the painter Ludwig Herterich . After moving to Munich, he became a student at the Art Academy with Philipp Foltz and Carl Theodor von Piloty on October 24, 1859 . From 1882 he was an assistant teacher and from 1884 professor at the Royal Art Academy in Munich in the nature class.

Occasionally, works by the artist are offered in auction shops.

Student (selection)


Web links

Commons : Johann Caspar Herterich  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Matriculation database of the Academy of Fine Arts
  2. Johann Caspar Herterich: Practice early! , Oil on canvas at