Otto Braunheim

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Otto Braunheim (born March 14, 1904 in Hattingen ; † June 8, 1958 there ) was Lord Mayor of Iserlohn and NSDAP district leader.


Otto Braunheim was born as the son of Gustav Braunheim (miner) and after attending the elementary school in Hattingen began an administrative apprenticeship on August 1, 1916 at the Hattingen administration. Afterwards he was employed here as an administrative assistant. Before he was elected mayor of the city of Kamen on May 5, 1936, Braunheim was still active in the local administrations of Wittlage and Hameln-Pyrmont. When the war began , he was used as a soldier until September 5, 1940 and released early because of a war injury. He remained in the office of mayor until June 30, 1944, in personal union with the office of local group leader in Kamen. He held the office of Lord Mayor in Iserlohn from July 1, 1944 to April 21, 1945. On June 25, 1945, he was arrested by the military government and interned in Eselsheide until March 19, 1948. In the denazification process he was classified in category III and sentenced to two years in prison for membership in the NSDAP , which had been served during the internship. Braunheim found a job at Normag GmbH in Hattingen from April 1, 1951 to December 31, 1957.

Activities in the party and SA

Braunheim joined the NSDAP on September 1, 1927 , allegedly resigned from 1929 to 1932, but was still a party member under a false name. On October 1, 1929, he joined the SA and became Sturmbannführer there in 1944 . He was in charge of the NSDAP Hellweg district from May 18, 1942 to July 20, 1944.


Otto Braunheim was married to Alwine Krone. There were no children from the marriage.


  • Joachim Lilla : Senior administrative officials and functionaries in Westphalia and Lippe (1918–1945 / 46) , Aschendorff-Verlag Münster, ISBN 978-3-402-06799-4 .
  • Wolfgang Stellbrink: The district leaders of the NSDAP in Westphalia and Lippe. (= Publication of the state archives of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia: Series C, Sources and Research. Volume 48). Münster 2003, ISBN 3-932892-14-3 . (Digitized version)

Web links

  • Otto Braunheim Short biography on the Internet portal "Westphalian History"