Otto Henrich

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Otto Henrich (born October 30, 1871 in Essen , † December 21, 1939 in Berlin) was a German engineer and entrepreneur . From 1919 to 1920 he was CEO of Siemens-Schuckertwerke .


Born as the son of a miner, Henrich found a job as a young engineer at Siemens & Halske -Werke in Berlin-Charlottenburg in 1896 .

In 1905 he became a deputy and from 1908 a full member of the board. In 1912/13 he rearranged the Siemens-Schuckertwerke and thus earned Carl Friedrich von Siemens ' recognition . In 1919 he became chairman of the board. In the same year he was one of the initiators of an anti-Bolshevik fund of the German economy, which financed the military suppression of the German Soviet republics and anti-Bolshevik organizations. In 1920 he initiated the establishment of the Siemens-Rheinelbe-Schuckert-Union, an interest group of heavy and electrical industry. In 1921 he had to leave Siemens after he entered into a relationship with Auguste von Siemens (born Bötzow, called Tutty, born February 2, 1878 in Berlin; † March 22, 1935 there, until 1923 wife of Carl Friedrich von Siemens).

The final resting place of him and his wife Grete Henrich, geb. Then-Berch († 1922), is located on the south-west cemetery Stahnsdorf .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Biographies of the CEOs of the Siemens parent companies
  2. ^ Eduard Stadtler "Memories", "As Antibolschewist 1918-1919", Neuer Zeitverlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, 1935 pp. 12-13.