Otto Hermann Brandt

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Otto Hermann Brandt (born April 4, 1883 in Dresden ; † April 15, 1934 there ) was a German educator, historian and linguist.


Brandt received his school education at the Realgymnasium in Dresden. He completed his studies in Leipzig. In 1906 he received his doctorate on the basis of his dissertation “The farmer and the peasant burdens in the Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg : from the 17th to the 19th century” at the University of Leipzig. As a teacher at the Dreikönigschule in Dresden-N. he worked from 1906 to 1934. Following his artistic ambitions, he devoted himself to the German language , as a researcher he dealt with history.

He provided a valuable source work with the work The Great Peasants' War from contemporary representations, as the processing, evaluation and summarizing assessment of historical sources best characterize his thorough research. His Thomas Müntzer is considered to be a masterpiece of historical meticulousness and intuition, which for the first time formed all of the writings, speeches and letters of the great farmer's leader that have come down to us by examining the “Müntzer legend” into a complete, authentic picture of his human personality. He also edited The German Sermons of Berthold von Regensburg and The Limburger Chronik . He published Metternich's Memorabilia on the history of the 19th century .


  • Studies on the economic and administrative history of the city of Düsseldorf in the 19th century. Düsseldorf, 1902
  • The Great Peasants' War : Contemporary Reports, Statements, and Files. Jena: Diederichs, 1925
  • The Fugger : History of a German Trading House. Jena: Diederichs, 1928
  • Thomas Müntzer : His life and his writings / Thomas Müntzer . Jena: Diederichs, 1933
  • Documents about measure and weight in Saxony . Printing house of the Saxon Ministry of the Interior, 1933.


See also