Otto I. von Brehna

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Otto I. von Brehna († December 23, 1203 in Brehna ) was Count of Brehna, Gommern and Jessen (1182-1203).


Count Otto I von Brehna was the son of Friedrich I von Brehna and Hedwig von Böhmen-Jamnitz. Together with his brother Friedrich II he ruled the county of Brehna . Together they donated Brehna to their mother as a widow's residence. They also donated the Augustinian convent in 1201, which began on August 14, 1201 with construction.

The by the sudden death of Henry VI. The Staufer-Welf throne dispute that was triggered led Count Otto I and Friedrich II von Brehna to the side of King Philip of Swabia . In 1203 there were disputes between the warring parties, which also affected the Brehna area. The Bohemian King Przemysl Ottokar I and Landgrave Hermann I of Thuringia , who had switched to the Guelph side, oppressed the cities of Halle and Magdeburg with their troops in 1203 and devastated Brehna and Wettin .

Otto I and his cousin, Count Ulrich I von Wettin , were able to beat their opponents in the battles near Landsberg and Zörbig . Otto I and Friedrich II were present in Halle when King Philip of Swabia issued a letter of protection to Petersberg Monastery on January 22, 1202 . Otto I died on December 23, 1203. He was buried in the Brehna monastery. The county of Brehna was now administered by his brother Friedrich II alone.


  • Gerlinde Schlenker, Artur Schellbach, Wolfram Junghans. On the trail of the Wettins in Saxony-Anhalt. Janos Stekovics Verlag, Halle (Saale) 1999, 2nd edition ISBN 3-932863-00-3 .