Friedrich I of Brehna

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Woodcut from 1857 of the tombstone

Friedrich I von Brehna (* around 1126, † January 4, 1182 ) was Count von Brehna and came from the aristocratic Wettin family .


Friedrich I was the youngest son of the Margrave of Meißen, Konrad I. He is considered to be the founder of the Counts of Brehna . Friedrich acquired numerous possessions for the county as fiefs from the Burggrafschaft Magdeburg : Arnoldshagen (?), Trebus , Löben , Prettin with the Heide , Burg , Schweinitz , Jessen , Klöden , Zwethau , Herzberg , Belzig , Zahna , Wiesenburg , Werben , Gommern u. a.

He stayed at the court of Emperor Frederick I several times, for example in 1165 in Altenburg , 1166 in Bomeneburg , 1173 in Goslar , 1180 in Altenburg and 1181 in Erfurt . Together with his brother, Dietrich III. from the Saxon Ostmark, he took part in the battle of Legnano in 1176, which was unhappy for Frederick I. He appeared several times as a witness in documents. For example, he was a witness when his brother Dedo V. the Feiste von Groitzsch-Rochlitz founded the Augustinian Canons' Monastery in Zschillen , the church of which was consecrated in 1168.

On July 28, 1181, he and his brothers, Margrave Otto the Rich of Meißen and Margrave Dietrich of Landsberg and Eilenburg, reorganized the bailiwick of the Petersberg Monastery . Friedrich I died on January 4th, 1182. He was buried in the church of the monastery. His wife Hedwig survived him by 19 years.

Marriage and children

1. Marriage to Hedwig, the daughter of Theobald I of Böhmen-Jamnitz


  • Gerlinde Schlenker , Artur Schellbach and Wolfram Junghans: On the trail of the Wettins in Saxony-Anhalt . 2nd edition, Janos Stekovics Verlag, Halle Saale 1999, ISBN 3-932863-00-3

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