Otto Lehmann (film producer)

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Otto Lehmann (born January 22, 1889 in Berlin , † April 28, 1968 in Munich ) was a German film production manager and production manager or production group leader.

Live and act

Otto Lehmann had received teacher training at the Protestant teacher training college in Neuzelle and then worked in this profession at elementary and secondary schools.

Born in Berlin, he switched to film production in 1925 and worked in this position, among other things, in 1927 for the lavish Prussian glorifications Der Alte Fritz and Queen Luise , the early Conrad Veidt sound films The Man who Committed the Murder and Me and the Empress , the musical Blockbuster waltz war from the hand of Ludwig Berger , Reinhold Schünzel's comedy of the gods Amphitryon and most recently, in 1936, directed by Johannes Meyer , again for a cinematic homage to the Prussian King Frederick the Great , Fridericus .

In 1936 he advanced to production manager for the popular folk piece Das Veilchen vom Potsdamer Platz , and from 1938 until the end of the war, Lehmann worked for Terra as a production or production group leader. In this capacity he was also responsible for the creation of Jud Süß , the most notorious anti-Semitic hate speech of the Third Reich .

After the war, Lehmann initially worked at DEFA as co-managing director of the old Tobis' dubbing department . From 1947 he continued his work as production manager for various West German companies, between 1952 and 1955 exclusively for Carlton-Film of the Munich producer Günther Stapenhorst .

At the age of 70, Lehmann stopped working in the cinema and worked as a television production manager until autumn 1967. Otto Lehmann also held functionary posts; so he was temporarily the 1st chairman of the Association of German Production Managers e. V. He is not to be confused with another Otto Lehmann, who briefly worked as an actor in Swiss film during the Second World War .


as a production, manufacturing or manufacturing group leader


  • Kay Less : The film's great personal dictionary . The actors, directors, cameramen, producers, composers, screenwriters, film architects, outfitters, costume designers, editors, sound engineers, make-up artists and special effects designers of the 20th century. Volume 4: H - L. Botho Höfer - Richard Lester. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-340-3 , p. 662.

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