Otto Muck

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Otto Muck SJ (born December 26, 1928 in Vienna ) is an Austrian Catholic theologian and philosopher .


Otto Muck studied philosophy, mathematics and physics at the University of Vienna from 1947 to 1951 and graduated there in 1951 with a doctorate (Dr. phil.) In philosophy and a second subject in mathematics. He then joined the Society of Jesus . From 1953 to 1955 Otto Muck studied Scholastic Philosophy at the Berchmanskolleg in Pullach with the degree of Lic.phil., Then from 1955 to 1959 theology at the University of Innsbruck with the degree of Lic.theol. He was ordained a priest in 1958. This was followed in 1960 as the completion of the religious education, the tertiary in Port Townsend / WA, USA. From 1962 he worked as a university lecturer and qualified as a professor in Christian philosophy. In 1963 he received the Cardinal Innitzer Prize . In 1966 Muck was employed as ao.Univ.Prof. Appointed for Christian Philosophy at the Theological Faculty of the University of Innsbruck. In the summer of 1968 he was visiting professor at Fordham University , NY, USA, followed by visiting professorships in Dublin / Milltown Park and at the Pontifical University of Mexico City. From 1971 to 1997 he worked as an o.Univ.Prof. for Christian philosophy at the University of Innsbruck, since 1959 Muck worked on the correspondence courses for theological education . At the University of Innsbruck he held management positions: from 1969 to 1970 he was dean of the theological faculty, from 1975 to 1977 rector of the university. From 1966 to 1969 and from 1970 to 1979 he was the rector of the Canisianum International Seminary (Innsbruck) , and from 1969 to 1973 he was the rector of the Innsbruck Jesuit College. Otto Muck is a member of the ÖKV connections AKV Aggstein zu Vienna , AKV Tirolia Innsbruck and K.St.V. Rhenania Innsbruck . At Tirolia he is the liaison pastor.

Research priorities

Works (selection)

  • together with Emerich Coreth (author, ed.), Johann Schasching (author), Tasks of Philosophy. 3 attempts (= philosophy and border sciences, volume 9, part 2), Innsbruck: Rauch 1958.
  • The transcendental method in contemporary scholastic philosophy , Innsbruck: Rauch 1964.
  • Christian Philosophy (= Bercker's Theological Outlines, Volume 3), Kevelaer 1964.
  • William D. Seidensticker (translation), The transcendental Method , New York: Herder and Herder 1968, (English translation of: The transcendental method in contemporary scholastic philosophy).
  • Philosophische Gotteslehre, 1st edition, Düsseldorf 1983, 2nd edition 1990 (= Guide Theology, Volume 7), ISBN 3-491-77901-4 .
  • Otto Muck (Hrsg.): Gestalten. Metaphysics in the diversity of human questions. Commemorative publication for Emerich Coreth . Innsbruck / Vienna 1989. (Bibliogr. E. Coreth pp. 389-408): Tyrolia 1989 ISBN 3-7022-1697-9
  • Winfried Löffler (Ed.), Rationality and Weltanschauung. Philosophical Investigations , Innsbruck, Vienna 1999, (contains articles and articles by Otto Muck that have already been published elsewhere, as well as a bibliography on pp. 481–488), ISBN 3-7022-2257-X .

Web links