Otto Strauss (politician, 1870)

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Otto Strauss (born March 2, 1870 in Berlin ; † 1938 there ) was a German politician ( economic party ).


After attending elementary school and the Friedrich-Werder high school , Strauss completed a commercial apprenticeship in Berlin. He then worked in various industries. In 1900 he started his own business as an innkeeper. In 1906 he was elected chairman of the association of juice and bar owners for Berlin and the province of Brandenburg . In addition, he took on tasks as a court expert in the district of the chamber court . Later he also became a member of the Reich Economic Court . In addition, Strauss was elected to the Berlin district committee. During the Weimar Republic , Strauss began to get involved in the Reichspartei des Deutschen Mittelstandes (Economic Party ). On the Reich election proposal, he sat from May 1924 to September 1930 for three terms as a member of the Reichstag (Weimar Republic) .

See also

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