Otto Uebele

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Otto Uebele (born June 30, 1876 in Künzelsau ; † May 14, 1956 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German coffee exporter.


Otto Uebele lost his father at the age of twelve. He attended a school in Stuttgart and then completed an apprenticeship as a businessman in Künzelsau. After completing his military service, he worked first on Lake Constance and then in Le Havre before emigrating to Santos in 1900 . There he became an authorized signatory and later also a partner in the company Theodor Wille & Co .; from 1919 he was company manager. Between the two world wars, he was considered the world's largest coffee exporter. During the Second World War he supported the FBI in Brazil .

Otto Uebele, who was the German consul in Santos for a long time, returned regularly to his hometown, where he became an honorary citizen in 1920. In 1912 he had a summer house built in Künzelsau, later he donated the purchase price of the Würzburg building, which was used as a tax office from 1934 to 2005 and is now part of a hotel, as well as the town hall, which was built in 1937. He also wanted to celebrate his 80th birthday in Künzelsau; however, he died on the way.

Konsul-Uebele-Straße in Künzelsau is named after Otto Uebele. In 2006 an exhibition about Otto Uebele was shown in Künzelsau.

Otto Uebele had been a member of the Corps Saxo-Thuringia Munich since 1922 .


  • Siegfried Zimmermann: Theodor Wille 1844-1969. Hamburg: Hanseatic Mercury, 1969
  • Biography in: Stefan Kraut, Lively Rooms. A documentation about the Anne-Sophie-Haus and the Würzburg building in Künzelsau. Künzelsau: Swiridoff, 2006. Pages 65–82

Web links

  • CV (PDF file; 32 kB)

Individual evidence

  2. Ladislas Farago , Burn After Reading. The Espionage History of World War II , US Naval Inst. Pr. 2003, ISBN 978-1591142621 , p. 202
  3.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
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  7. ^ Corps Saxo-Thuringia Munich, directory of members (as of October 1, 1937)