Otto usurer

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Otto Wucherer, undated photograph.

Otto Eduard Heinrich Wucherer (born July 7, 1820 in Porto , Portugal; † May 7, 1873 in Bahia , Brazil) was a German - Brazilian doctor who discovered the causative agent of the tropical disease lymphatic filariasis ( tropical elephantiasis ). The pathogen Wuchereria bancrofti is named after him and the Australian doctor Joseph Bancroft .


Otto Wucherer was born as the son of a German businessman and his Dutch wife in Porto , Portugal. His family later emigrated to Brazil. He received his school education in Hamburg, after the death of his father he worked there in a pharmacy. He studied medicine at the University of Tübingen until 1841 and received his doctorate under Ferdinand Gottlieb von Gmelin (De mutationibus quas syphilis ejusque medendae ratio subiit) . He worked clinically in London, then moved to Portugal and in 1843 to Brazil. In 1847 he settled in Salvador da Bahia as a doctor for the German colony. In addition to his practice, he also worked at the local hospital and was one of the founders of the Gazeta Médica da Bahia magazine . His interest was in parasitology , he was the first to detect hookworms in Brazil . In 1866 he discovered the nematode Wuchereria bancrofti , later named after himself and Joseph Bancroft , the causative agent of lymphatic filariasis ( tropical elephantiasis ) in the urine of a patient. He was also interested in the region's venomous snakes. Wucherer was strongly influenced by the writings of Rudolf Virchow , both scientifically and in social medicine .

In 1871 he returned to Germany and lived with his family in Stuttgart . In January 1873, for economic reasons, usurers were forced to return to Brazil alone, where he died on May 7th.

Wucherer was married twice, his first wife died of yellow fever , and he had a son with his second wife.


  • Julyan G. Peard: Race, Place, and Medicine: The Idea of ​​the Tropics in Nineteenth-Century Brazilian Medicine. Duke University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-8223-2397-4 .
  • AC Coni: Otto Wucherer. His life and work. In: Revista brasileira de malariologia e doenças tropicais. Publicações avulsas. Volume 19, Number 1, 1967 Jan-Mar, pp. 91-118, ISSN  0034-7256 . PMID 4883216 .
  • FC Edler: The evolution of Brazilian studies on helminths and the Escola tropicalista bahiana (Bahia Tropical School) (1866-1892). In: Parassitologia. Volume 47, number 3-4, December 2005, pp. 271-278, ISSN  0048-2951 . PMID 16866032 .
  • Antônio Pacífico Pereira: Esboço biografíco do Dr. Usurer. In: Gazeta Médica. 6, 1873, pp. 305-309. (Bibliography)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Genealogical representation: Otto Eduard Heinrich Wucherer, Dr. med. , Representation after: José Francisco de Silva Lima: Otto Wucherer. In: Gazeta Médica da Bahia . 1906, No. 1. Retrieved November 17, 2012.
  2. a b Peard, p. 22ff.
  3. ^ Peard, p. 72.
  4. Usurers: Nota preliminar sobre vermes de uma espécie ainda not descripta, Finderados na urina de doentes de hematuria intertropical no Brazil. In: Gazeta Médica. No. 3, 1868, pp. 97-99.
  5. Usurers : Sobre a hematuria no Brazil. In: Gazeta Médica. No. 3, 1869, pp. 39-40, pp. 49-50, 61-62, 73-74, 85-86.
  6. ^ Peard, p. 39.