Otto von Quadt-Wykradt-Isny

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Otto Graf von Quadt zu Wykradt and Isny

Otto Wilhelm Friedrich Bertram Count von Quadt zu Wykradt and Isny (born September 27, 1817 in Isny im Allgäu , † June 23, 1899 in Munich ) was a Bavarian Imperial Councilor .


He was the son of Count Wilhelm Otto Friedrich Albert Count von Quadt zu Wykradt and Isny (1783–1849) and his wife Countess Maria Anna geb. Countess of Thurn-Valsassina (1788–1867).

Otto von Quadt-Wykradt-Isny was a Catholic landowner in Swabia, Württemberg and Upper Bavaria and hereditary Reichsrat, as such from 1851 to 1893 in the Chamber of Reichsräte. From 1843 until 1893 he was also a member of the First Chamber of the Württemberg Land estates , although he was never present there personally since 1866. The Count of Quadt-Wykradt-Isny was married to Marie Emilie Countess zu Schönburg -Glauchau, Penig and Wechselburg (* 1825, † 1869) since 1846 . The marriage resulted in six children, including his son and successor Bertram (* 1849; † 1927), who was raised to the Bavarian prince status in 1901 and was married to Ludovika Princess von Schönburg-Hartenstein since 1879.

The Reichstag delegate Friedrich von Quadt-Wykradt-Isny (1818-1892) was his brother.


  • Frank Raberg : Biographical handbook of the Württemberg state parliament members 1815-1933 . On behalf of the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-17-016604-2 , p. 684 f .

Web links

Commons : Otto von Quadt-Wykradt-Isny  - Collection of images, videos and audio files