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Overboard! , in the US as Shipwreckers! is a computer game for one to five players for the Sony PlayStation or Windows, produced by Psygnosis in 1997 .


The player takes control of a pirate ship with which he and his crew, consisting of three sailors and a parrot , as well as an extensive arsenal, set out to rob the mighty pirate captain "Blowfleet" of his treasures. The presentation of the game is comic-like, humorous and bloodless.

Structure of the levels and game flow

The player starts his raids in his home port and fights his way through a host of opponents in the course of the game, which are made up of other pirate ships, cannon-proven towers or sea ​​monsters . On his way through the various levels, the player collects treasures and repeatedly discovers hostile ports marked with skull flags, which he can conquer and use as starting points from now on.


In overboard! there are some original branches of service :

  • Cannon - A single-shot bow cannon.
  • Broadside - Four cannons on either side of the ship. Higher firepower at the expense of higher ammunition consumption.
  • Missiles - Intended as a weapon against flying enemies.
  • Mines - Well suited to make a certain area, for example a narrow passage, impassable for a long time. The mines float in the water for a while and explode after several seconds if there is no contact with the enemy.
  • Depth bombs - weapon against enemy submarines.
  • Oil - Allows you to leave a burning oil slick . It has a shorter lifespan than mines, but is more effective in fighting enemies.
  • Lightning - Electric surges fired from the mast that find their target without first aiming.
  • Flamethrower - Very effective in combat, but limited range.

Special promotions

Due to the availability of various weapon systems, Overboard also contains tactical elements. Different opponents have to be fought with different weapons, which often requires skillful maneuvers on the part of the player. As already mentioned, the flamethrower in particular represents a great danger in the game. The player must therefore be careful not to catch fire himself. If this happens, the crew begins to jump overboard until the life bar is empty. In this case, the player must try to pick up the crew members floating in the water, somehow extinguish the fire or find boxes with medicines.


Overboard focuses in multiplayer mode ! on the fight between human players. The winner is whose ship survives the longest.

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