Punty owl

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Punty owl
Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Owls (Strigiformes)
Family : Real owls (Strigidae)
Genre : Bush owls ( Ninox )
Type : Punty owl
Scientific name
Ninox punctulata
( Quoy & Gaimard , 1830)

The little blue owl ( Ninox punctulata ) is a species of owl from the genus of the bush owl . It occurs on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and some neighboring islands.


The length of the little owl is 20 to 27 centimeters, a single male weighed 151 grams. The plumage is matt red-brown above with clear white dots. There are also rows of whitish spots on the dark brown wings, the brown tail is provided with narrow light bands. The underside is variable, often with two narrow, whitish dotted, brown chest bands, otherwise whitish with lightly banded flanks. The whitish eyebrows and a large white, collar-like throat patch form a sharp contrast to the dark brown face. The eyes are yellow, the beak is greenish yellow. The yellowish gray toes of the feathered legs have dark horn-colored claws.

Way of life

The little owl prefers primary forest on rivers, but it also lives in open woodland and in cultivated land, also in and in settlements from the lowlands up to 1100 meters, rarely 2300 meters. Presumably it feeds mainly on insects. His call, which is often heard, is a loud, clear toi-toi-toit , the third tone being longer and deeper than the first two.


It lives endemic and fairly common on the islands of Sulawesi, Kabaena , Muna and Buton .


  • Heimo Mikkola: Handbook owls of the world. All 249 species in 750 color photos. Original title: Owls of the World. A photographic guide. 2012, German-language edition, Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co.KG, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-440-13275-3 , p. 471.