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PAM PAM (Pampam or PamPam) was an Austrian consumer chain.

It was started in 1972 by Jenö Eisenberger together with the grocer Julius Meinl . The first wholesale market was opened on Kreilplatz in Vienna - Döbling not far from Karl-Marx-Hof . Years later, other markets followed, mainly in Vienna: the best known were those in Vienna- Ottakring , Erdberger Lände and Siebenbrunnengasse.

In 1974 Eisenberger got out as a partner and opened his Eisenberger store in Alt Erlaa . Julius Meinl continued to run the stores on his own. The markets were located in the Julius Meinl headquarters in Vienna-Ottakring.

After the consumer insolvency in 1995, Julius Meinl acquired around 70 KGM and fresh consumer branches, adapted and opened them as Julius Meinl, Pampam or Jééé -Diskont. The Pampam branch network experienced its greatest expansion as a result. At the beginning of the 1990s, there were 41 stores across Austria (except Vorarlberg ). Some of them were given up a few years later because the expected sales did not materialize.

The End

In the spring of 1998, high losses at Pampam induced Julius Meinl to sell his hypermarkets to the Tengelmann Group ( LÖWA , Zielpunkt ). There were also talks about cooperation in the logistics sector. When this did not materialize, he offered his entire branch network to the competitor REWE ( Billa ). The European cartel court only allowed him to sell part of his branches to REWE. For the rest he had to look for another buyer, who he finally found in Spar AG .

In March 1999, the Billa Group took over the Meinl and Pampam locations in western Austria , Carinthia and Styria . The last leaflet for all 39 branches appeared in early February.

Spar AG followed in June 1999 and bought the 21 Pampam stores in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland from Julius Meinl for 900 million schillings and switched them to Eurospar and Interspar stores.

Advertising line

The bi-weekly leaflets were reminiscent of Andy Warhol in their Pop Art presentation . A comic blonde advertised offers with striking slogans. It was also featured on the campaign posters in and outside the markets.

  • "As you make a bed, so you lie." (Note for bed linen)
  • "Happy Birthday!" (Note Pampam for the 25th birthday)
  • "Prices below freezing." (Note for Viennetta ice cream)
  • "Pam Pam: Incredible, but true."
  • "Better Pam Pam than plem-plem."
  • "The more you take, the cheaper it gets."
  • "Bargain? Grab me! "
  • Radio advertising slogan 1997 “The more you buy, the cheaper it gets! Pam-Pam, Pam-Pam, Parampapapam, Pam-Pam "(Source: Austrian Advertising Museum Vienna)

The leaflets appeared two to three weeks, the last under Julius Meinl on May 7, 1999 (valid until May 29, 1999). Spar used the motifs until the Pampam markets were converted to its hypermarkets.

executive Director


  • REGAL - trade magazine , Handelsblatt publishing house
  • Margareta Lehrbaumer: What can I help you with? Julius Meinl - on the trail of a great brand , Pichler Verlag, Vienna 2000