Pablo Burchard Eggeling

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Pedro Lira , portrait of Pablo Burchard Eggeling

Pedro Pablo Burchard Eggeling (born November 4, 1875 in Santiago de Chile , † July 13, 1964 ibid) was a Chilean painter .

The son of the German architect Teodoro Burchard initially studied architecture at the Universidad de Chile and also took painting lessons from José Miguel Campos . Later he was a student of Cosme San Martín , Pedro Lira and Fernando Álvarez de Sotomayor at the Academia de Bellas Artes . For some time he belonged to the Colonia Tostoyana , a group of young intellectuals and artists, including Augusto D'Halmar , Fernando Santiván , Julio Ortíz de Zárate , José Backhaus , Benito Rebolledo , Rafael Valdés and Carlos Canut de Bon . In 1903 he taught at the Escuela Secundaria of Talca, later he gave painting courses at the Liceo de Niñas N ° 6 in Santiago.

From 1910 Burchard organized exhibitions together with Manuel Nuñez at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes . From 1932 to 1959 he held the chair for painting at the Escuela de Bellas Artes , from 1932 to 1935 he was also its director. In 1946 he was awarded the Premio Nacional de Arte , and in 1955 he was appointed an academic member of the Universidad de Chile .

Works by Burchard are u. a. owned by the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes , the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo of the Universidad de Chile, the Museo Arqueologico y de Bellas Artes in La Serena and the Museo de Arte y Artesanía . His children Pablo Burchard Aguayo and Cuca Burchard and his grandsons Carolina and Gonzalo Landea also became known as painters .
