paprika chicken

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Chicken paprika with dumplings

Paprika chicken or paprika chicken , Hungarian Paprikás Csirke [ pɒprikaːʃ tʃirkɛ ] is a chicken dish ( Paprikás ), which presumably from the pannonian comes space. It is a classic component of Austrian and Hungarian cuisine . In Austria it is known as paprika chicken .


In earlier times, chicken paprika was mainly made from older chickens (soup chicken) and therefore had an even stronger taste. Today one usually uses young quartered chickens or only chicken legs, but also chicken breasts. To prepare it, finely diced onions are first fried in oil or lard until they are translucent and sprinkled with paprika powder (paprika), sometimes smoked bacon can also be fried. Then the chicken parts and possibly the pre-cooked stomach are added and also fried. The fried pieces are poured with chicken stock and steamed, after half the cooking time, fresh pepper pieces and tomato pieces cut into strips or cubes are added and, just before the chicken pieces are cooked , the liver and sour cream with a little flour are added to bind .

Alternatively, the chicken parts are floured and fried with onions and fresh paprika as well as sweet paprika powder in fat. Then they are deglazed with a poultry stock, covered with paprika sauce and cooked. At the end sour cream and lemon are added.

The paprika chicken is usually served with dumplings or other pasta such as spaetzle , alternatively with rice or dumplings. In Hungary , egg barley , Hungarian tarhonya , is very popular as a side dish, and green salad goes well with it .

supporting documents

  1. a b c "Paprikahähnchen" and "Paprikahuhn" In: F. Jürgen Herrmann (Hrsg.): Herings Lexikon der Küche. Fachbuchverlag Pfanneberg, Haan-Gruiten 2012 (licensed edition Nikol, Hamburg 2016); P. 338; ISBN 978-3-86820-344-8 .
  2. a b c "Paprikahähnchen" In: Barbara and Hans Otzen: GDR cookbook. Komet Verlag, Cologne undated; P. 122; ISBN 3-89836-350-3 .
