Poultry liver

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Chicken livers prepared for frying

As chicken liver (French: "foie de volaille") is basically refers to the liver of different poultry species , in the kitchen can be used. Mostly it is the liver of large domestic or broiler chickens , less often that of turkey , domestic goose , domestic duck or wild fowl.


To prepare the livers, the gall bladders are completely removed. They are then usually fried as whole livers or in pieces with various ingredients. The easiest way of preparation is to fry them in pieces pink on the inside ( sautéing ) and to serve on toast .


Numerous classic garnishes have established themselves for the preparation of poultry liver :

In the farmer's style (“à la paysanne”), finely chopped shallots and mushrooms are fried with the liver, then the pieces are drizzled with lemon juice and garnished with parsley . The livers are roasted with morels and mixed with a Madeira sauce when they are prepared according to the forester's style (“à la forestière”). In the Bordeaux type ( "à la bordelaise ") they are fried with shallots and herbs, which is then Bratsatz with red wine quenched with a demi-glace overcooked. For the oriental-style preparation (“à l'orientale”), the livers are fried with shallots and then cooked with garlic , soft currants , sugar and the roasting additive, deglazed with lemon juice.

The Hungarian goose liver is cut into slices and fried with onions, using goose fat as the frying fat . Finely chopped onions are fried in the frying fat and seasoned with paprika, the stock is added to the pieces of liver when serving.

In the English-style preparation ("à l'anglaise"), the livers are fried whole and then served on a fried slice of bacon, garnished with parsley and napped with brown butter . Even in the Italian style, small, whole livers are fried after they have been mixed. Here they are tied with an Italian sauce and served in a risotto edge .

As liver skewers, whole poultry livers with bacon slices, mushrooms and onions are alternately lined up on a skewer, breaded and then briefly fried with grease. Poultry livers can also be prepared as pilaf on rice, either simply fried or as pilaf Melville ("Pilaf de fois de volaille Melville") fried with mushrooms and tied with a sauce made of roasted meats deglazed with port wine and boiled with sweet cream, as well as with tomatoes and greens Peas served on rice.

In addition to these classic preparations, poultry livers can also be finely chopped or mashed for the preparation of farces , fillings for stuffed onions and pies .

Foie gras

The goose and duck liver in particular are often made and eaten as foie gras or foie gras .

supporting documents

  1. a b c d "Chicken liver, poultry liver." In: F. Jürgen Herrmann (Hrsg.): Herings Lexicon of the kitchen. Fachbuchverlag Pfanneberg, Haan-Gruiten 2012 (licensed edition Nikol, Hamburg 2016); Pp. 336-337; ISBN 978-3-86820-344-8 .
  2. ^ "Hungarian goose liver" In: Barbara and Hans Otzen: GDR cookbook. Komet Verlag, Cologne undated; Pp. 122-123; ISBN 3-89836-350-3 .
  3. ^ "Stuffed onion" In: Barbara and Hans Otzen: GDR cookbook. Komet Verlag, Cologne undated; Pp. 106-107; ISBN 3-89836-350-3 .


  • "Chicken liver, poultry liver." In: F. Jürgen Herrmann (Ed.): Herings Lexicon of the Kitchen. Fachbuchverlag Pfanneberg, Haan-Gruiten 2012 (licensed edition Nikol, Hamburg 2016); Pp. 336-337; ISBN 978-3-86820-344-8 .

Web links

Commons : Chicken Liver  - Collection of images, videos and audio files