Stuffed onion

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Stuffed peppers and stuffed onion with minced meat filling

Stuffed onions , also known as “Oignons farcis” in French depending on the type of onion used, filled giant onions or stuffed vegetable onions , are a classic dish in which hollowed out onions are prepared with a filling. The filling may be different, usually one is ground beef mixture or rice - and vegetables filling used, but there is also preparation forms with cod - kale -, fungal or spinach fillings .


Fillings with meat farce and minced meat

Kulmbacher beer onions: Vegetable onions filled with minced meat from the oven with beer sauce, mashed potatoes and a slice of smoked bellies

For the preparation, onions, often large vegetable onions, are removed from the lid, hollowed out and then topped up with a farce . In many standard recipes, this filling consists of the chopped inner parts of the onions (pulp) with minced meat , spices and other ingredients. According to a recipe by Henriette Davidis from the middle of the 19th century, the filling consists of a meat farce that is filled into the hollow onions and then covered with the lid of the onion and tied with a chopstick or string. Then the onions are braised in butter and steamed ("stoved") in a broth made from a broth with salt, white pepper, clove pepper , mace , bay leaves , lemon slices and some crushed rusks until the onions are soft and the filling is cooked. In this case, the onions are served with a creamy sauce from the stock. The herring dictionary of the kitchen also describes the stuffed onion with a filling of minced meat, where it is sprinkled with breadcrumbs and cooked in the oven with butter.

There are variations through the choice of meat. For example, a mixture of poultry liver and bacon can be finely pureed and made into a farce with breadcrumbs, egg and the chopped onion pulp and stuffed into the onions.

Filling with fish

In the book Gute Hausmannskost by Ludovica von Pröpper , she described a recipe for stuffed onions in 1873, which after hollowing out is filled with a mixture of chopped stockfish and white bread, bacon, salt and pepper, butter and an egg and then cooked.

Vegetarian fillings

Stuffed onions with roasted pine nuts, chopped basil , diced white bread, parmesan and egg

The filling of the onions (like that of other vegetables) can also be vegetarian or vegan . For this purpose, the onions are pre-cooked and then hollowed out, a filling is prepared from the distant interior together with boiled rice and various ingredients such as raisins , chickpeas , tomatoes , pine nuts as well as various spices and, according to taste, cheese . This is filled into the hollowed out onions, then the onions are usually baked in the oven. The "Stuffed Onions Florentine Style" are prepared in a similar way, in which the onions are filled with roasted pine nuts, chopped basil , white bread cubes, parmesan and egg.

The kitchen dictionary also lists a mixture of the chopped onion interior with a duxelles , a farce made from finely chopped mushrooms, and a mirepoix , a mixture of roasted vegetables.

As Marencic a variant is referred to, in which the chopped Pulp with mashed spinach mixed, the mixture having a sauce Mornay napped and is filled into the bulb. The onions are sprinkled with parmesan cheese and gratinated.

Other fillings and variants

A special preparation is a Jewish and onions species ( Oignons á la Juive ) designated court in which the cooked onion eroded and the chopped interior with minced and goose fat braised kale mixed and filled with this mixture. The stuffed onions are covered with breadcrumbs and goose fat and gratinated .

See also

Bamberg onions

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e F. Jürgen Herrmann (Ed.): Herings Lexicon of the Kitchen. Fachbuchverlag Pfanneberg, Haan-Gruiten 2012 (licensed edition Nikol, Hamburg 2016); P. 548. ISBN 978-3-86820-344-8 .
  2. "Stuffed giant onions." In: Henriette Davidis : Gute Hausmannskost . Bielefeld 1858, p. 108. ( Google Books )
  3. ^ Barbara and Hans Otzen: GDR cookbook. Komet Verlag, Cologne undated; Pp. 106-107. ISBN 3-89836-350-3 .
  4. Stuffed giant onions. In: Ludovica von Pröpper : Practical cookbook for the common and fine kitchen . Bielefeld 1873, p. 195. ( Google Books )
  5. Jane Baxter, Henry Dimbleby: Leon; Fast food vegetarian. DuMont Buchverlag, Cologne 2014, ISBN 978-3-8321-9476-5 , pp. 167–168.
  6. ^ Isabel Martins: Italian cuisine. Compact Verlag, 2010, p. 86. ( Google Books )


  • “Stuffed giant onions.” In: Henriette Davidis : Practical cookbook for ordinary and fine cuisine . Bielefeld 1858, p. 108. ( Google Books )
  • F. Jürgen Herrmann (Ed.): Herings Lexicon of the kitchen. Fachbuchverlag Pfanneberg, Haan-Gruiten 2012 (licensed edition Nikol, Hamburg 2016); P. 548. ISBN 978-3-86820-344-8 .

Web links

Commons : Stuffed Onions  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files