Papyrus 69

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New Testament manuscripts
Papyrus 69
Surname P.Oxy.XXIV 2383
text Luke 22 : 41, 45-48r; 22.58-61v
language Greek
date 3rd century
Found Oxyrhynchus , Egypt
Storage location Papyrology Rooms, Sackler Library , Oxford
size 8.5 × 5 cm
Type Western text type
category IV

Papyrus 69 (named after Gregory-Aland with Sigel 69 ) is an early Greek copy of the New Testament . It is only a fragment of a papyrus manuscript from the Gospel of Luke . It was dated to the 3rd century by means of paleography .


In this fragment the detailed content of Jesus' prayer in Luke 22: 42–45a is completely missing. In Luke 22:61 Peter looks (not Jesus). Claire Clivaz suggested that 69 (P. Oxy 2383) should be recognized as “a testimony to a Marcion edition of the Gospel of Luke”. Peter M. Head considers the “assumption that 69 is a manuscript of the Marcion Gospel to be a very clever idea, but it is neither proven nor the most plausible explanation for the context of this fascinating manuscript”.

The Greek text of the Codex represents the Western text type . According to Kurt Aland , the text is very free, “characteristic of the predecessors of the D text”, which is why he classified it in Category IV .



[εις πειρασ] μ [ον] [41] κ̣ [αι αυτος απεσ]
[πασθη απ αυτων ωσ] ε̣ι λιθου β̣ο̣λ̣ [ην]
[και θεις τα γονατα προσ] η̣υ̣χ̣ε̣τ̣ο̣
[45] [ελθων προς τους μ̣αθ] ητ [ας ευ]
[ρεν αυτους καθευ] δοντας κοι
[μωμενους αυτους απο τη] ς̣ λυπης [46] [κ] α̣ι̣
[ειπεν αυτοις] τ̣ι κ̣α̣θευδ̣ε
[τε ανασταντες πρ] ο̣σ̣ευχεσ̣θ̣ε
[ινα μη εισελθητε εις πει] ρ̣ασμ̣ο̣ν̣
[47] [ετι δε αυτου λαλουντος ι] δου̣
[οχλος και ο λεγομενος ιου] δ̣ας
[εις των ι̅β̅ προηρχετο α] υ̣ [τ] ους
[και εγγισας εφιλησε] ν̣ τ̣ον ι̣̅η̅ν̅
[48] [ι̅η̅ς̅ δε ειπεν αυτω ιουδα φι] λ̣η̣ [ματι


[58] - [ιδων] α̣υ̣ [τ] ω̣ ε̣ [φη και συ εξ αυτων ει]
ο̣ δ̣ε ειπεν [α̅ν̅ε̅ ουκ ειμι [59] και δι]
α̣σ̣τασης ωσ̣ [ει ωρας α̅ αλλος τις ισχυ]
ριζ̣ετο λεγω [ν επ αληθειας και]
ου̣τ̣ο̣ς ην μ [ετ αυτου και γαρ γα]
λ̣ [ι] λ̣α̣ιος εστ̣ [ιν] [60] [ειπεν δε ο πετρος]
α̣ν̣̅ε ουκ οι [δα ο λεγεις και ετι]
αυτου λαλου̣ [ντος παραχρημα]
ε̣φωνησεν̣ [αλεκτωρ] [61] [και στρα]
φεις ο πε̣τ̣ρ̣ [ος ενεβλεψεν αυ]
τω τοτε [υπεμνησθη ο πετρος]
τ̣ου ρημ [ατος του κ̅υ̅ ως ειπεν]
αυ̣τω π [ριν αλεκτορα φωνησαι ση]
μ̣ [ερον απαρνηση με τρις] [62] [και]

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New Testament Transcripts Prototype at the University of Münster
  2. ^ Comfort, The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts , 2001, p. 472.
  3. C. Clivaz, The Angel and the Sweat Like 'Drops of Blood' (Lk 22.43 to 44): P69 and f13 , in: Harvard Theological Review 98, 2005, p 420th
  5. Kurt and Barbara Aland : The text of the New Testament. Introduction to the scientific editions as well as the theory and practice of modern textual criticism . German Biblical Society, Stuttgart 1989, p. 110. ISBN 3-438-06011-6


  • Claire Clivaz: The Angel and the Sweat Like “Drops of Blood” (Lk 22: 43-44): P69 and f13 . In: Harvard Theological Review . tape 98 , 2005, doi : 10.1017 / S0017816005001045 ( preprint; PDF, 98 kB ).
  • Ehrman & Plunkett: The Angel and the Agony: The Textual Problem of Luke 22:43 44 . In: Catholic Biblical Quarterly . tape 45 , 1983, pp. 401-416 .
  • Peter M. Head: Christology and Textual Transmission: Reverential Alterations in the Synoptic Gospels . In: Novum Testamentum . Vol. 35, fasc. 2, April 1993, p. 123-126 .
  • Thomas A. Wayment: A new transcription of POxy 2383 (P69) . In: Novum Testamentum . tape 50 , 2008, p. 351-357 .
  • The Oxyrhynchus Papyri XXIV (1957) 1-4 (pl.), London
  • Kurt Aland : Repertory of the Greek Christian Papyri I. Biblical Papyri: Old Testament, New Testament, Varia, Apocrypha (= Patristic Texts and Studies 18). Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1975, p. 300. ISBN 3-11-004674-1
  • EG Turner: The Typology of the Early Codex . Philadelphia 1977, p. 21 and 149 .
  • Kurt Aland, Barbara Aland : The Text of the New Testament. Introduction to the scientific editions as well as the theory and practice of modern textual criticism . 2nd supplement and exp. Edition. Stuttgart 1989, p. 2, 67, 103, 105, 110, 248 .
  • Kurt Aland: Age and Origin of the D-Text in the New Testament. Consideration for P69 and 0171 . In: S. Janeras (Ed.): Miscellànea papirològica Ramo Roca-Puig . Barcelona 1987, p. 37-61 .
  • JK Elliott: Codex Bezae and the Earliest Greek Papyri . In: DC Parker, C.-B. Amphoux (ed.): Codex Bezae. Studies from the Lunel Colloquium, June 1994 . Leiden 1996.
  • Ph. W. Comfort, DP Barrett: The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts. A Corr., Enlarged Ed. of The Complete Text of the Earliest New Testament Manuscripts . Wheaton / Ill. 2001, p. 470-472 .
  • JK Elliott: A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts . 2nd Edition. Cambridge 2000, pp. 34 .