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Para liturgy (for gr. Para "next", "against", "deviant" and leiturgeia meaning "order of worship"; see Liturgy ) referred to religious and civil religious forms and rituals of groups . The expression can be used both disparagingly and neutrally.

As a derogatory expression, paraliturgy means something like pseudo-liturgy, i.e. H. rituals reminiscent of liturgical forms (e.g. a service ), such as those encountered at political party conferences or sporting events.

As a neutral expression, paraliturgy denotes liturgical forms that have developed alongside or within the liturgy or as an alternative to it. So which church music as liturgical singing in the Orthodox and Roman Catholic had liturgy first exclusively serving function and was in this sense as Para liturgy referred to (in addition to the liturgy). Today, however, paraliturgy also refers to forms that develop as new forms in addition to the classic forms and partially complement or even replace them. Examples of this are liturgical elements of the devotions from Taizé and the evangelical evening meal.


  • Hans Unterreitmeier: Paraliturgical memories. In: Johannes Janota , Paul Sappler, Frieder Schanze, Benedikt Konrad Vollmann , Gisela Vollmann-Profe, Hans-Joachim Ziegeler (eds.): Festschrift Walter Haug and Burghart Wachinger. Walter de Gruyter, 1992, ISBN 3-11-093711-5 , pp. 469-484.
  • Ike de Loos: Van kaarsen en kerken. Liturgy, paraliturgie of géén liturgie? In: Cartridges ontrafeld. Studies over gregoriaanse gezangen en Middelnederlandse liederen (= Middeleeuwse studies en bronnen Volume 139). Uitgeverij Verloren, 2012, ISBN 978-9-08704278-3 , pp. 183-197.

Individual evidence

  1. Christoph Klein : Church with Others: Efforts to Ecumenical in Romania. V&R unipress, 2014, ISBN 978-3-84710262-5 , p. 143
  2. ^ Hans Unterreitmeier: Paraliturgical memories. P. 470