Bump-headed glass perch

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Bump-headed glass perch
Parambassis pulcinella (01) .jpg

Bump-headed glass perch ( Parambassis pulcinella )

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
incertae sedis
Family : Glassfish (Ambassidae)
Genre : Parambassis
Type : Bump-headed glass perch
Scientific name
Parambassis pulcinella
Kottelat , 2003

The bump head glass perch ( Parambassis pulcinella ), also known as the hump head glass perch , is a freshwater fish from the family of the glass perch (Ambassidae). It occurs in the upper Ataran river basin in the Burmese Kayin state , possibly also in the headwaters of the inflowing rivers in Thailand .


The bump-headed glass perch is 8 cm long and has a noticeable hump in front of the first dorsal fin, which is formed by a very long, thin outgrowth of the supraoccipital spine. The supraoccipital is a central, dorsal ossification on the occiput . The hump occurs in both sexes, but is larger in males. Like other glass perches , Parambassis pulcinella is largely colorless and transparent. The dorsal and anal fin have gray or black outer edges, the first dorsal fin and the anal fin each have a row of dots facing the body. Both lobes of the forked caudal fins have black stripes. At the base of the first dorsal fin there is a small, black spot from which a black stripe extends to the head.

The first dorsal fin is supported by seven fin spines, the second by a fin spine and seven soft rays. The anal fin has three spines and 16 to 17 soft rays. The number of vertebrae is 25. The area behind the dorsal fins is scaly.

Way of life

The bump-headed glass bass lives in large rivers with clear water, especially near waterfalls and large rapids. He is territorial .


  • Maurice Kottelat (2003): Parambassis pulcinella , a new species of glassperch (Teleostei: Ambassidae) from the Ataran River basin (Myanmar), with comments on the family-group names Ambassidae, Chandidae and Bogodidae. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, March, 2003, Volume 14, Number 1

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