General election in the Valencian Community 2019

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General election Valencia 2019
Gains and losses
compared to 2015
 % p
8th 17th 27 18th 19th 10 
A total of 99 seats

The 2019 regional elections in Valencia took place on Sunday, April 28, 2019. All 99 seats in the corts were available for election. According to the Convention, the election should take place on May 26, 2019, at the same time as the regional elections in twelve other autonomous communities and local elections throughout Spain and the elections to the European Parliament in 2019. However, the date was brought forward by 4 weeks and thus took place on the same day the early national elections to parliament .

Electoral system

The Corts Valencianes are the dedicated, unicameral legislature of the Valencian Autonomous Community, which has legislative powers in regional matters within the meaning of the Spanish Constitution and the Valencian Statute of Autonomy, as well as the possibility of trusting or withdrawing a government president. In addition, Valencians abroad must apply to vote before being allowed to vote, a system known as "begging"; or expat voting is known (Spanish: Voto rogado). The 99 members of the Corts Valencianes are elected according to the D'Hondt method and a closed list ratio, whereby the threshold of 5 percent of the valid votes - including the empty votes - is applied regionally. Parties that do not reach the threshold are not taken into account in the allocation of seats. The seats are assigned to the constituencies corresponding to the provinces of Alicante, Castellón and Valencia. Each constituency is entitled to at least 20 seats initially, with the remaining 39 allocated to constituencies in proportion to its population, on condition that the seat-to-population ratio in a given province does not exceed three times that of another. The electoral law provides that parties, associations, coalitions and groups of voters can submit lists of candidates. The associations of voters are, however, obliged to secure the signature of at least one percent of the voters registered in the constituency for which they are standing for election. Voters are prohibited from signing for more than one list of candidates. At the same time, parties and associations that intend to form a coalition in order to jointly take part in an election are obliged to inform the responsible election commission within ten days of the election.

Election date

The term of office of the Corts Valencianes expires four years from the date of their last election, unless terminated earlier. The electoral decree is issued no later than the twenty-fifth day before the Parliament's expiry date and is published in the Official Journal of the Valencian Community the following day, with election day taking place on the fifty-fourth day after its publication. The last election took place on May 24, 2015, i.e. the legislature's term of office ends on May 24, 2019. The electoral ordinance will be published on April 30, 2019 at the latest, with the election taking place on the fifty-fourth day after publication and the latest possible election date for the Corts on Sunday June 23, 2019.