European elections in Spain 2019

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2014European elections in Spain 2019
AR f
Gains and losses
compared to
 % p
AR f
Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
c Alliance of Cs and UPyD ; Comparative value 2014: added result of Cs and UPyD
f Alliance of ERC , EHB and BNG ; Comparative value 2014: added result of ERC and LDP
h Alliance of EAJ-PNV , CC and others
Distribution of seats according to lists (2019)
A total of 54 seats

The European elections in Spain 2019 took place on May 26, 2019 as part of the EU- wide European elections 2019 . The election took place at the same time as the local elections across Spain and the elections to the regional parliaments of 12 Autonomous Communities (i.e. all but Andalusia , the Basque Country , Galicia , Catalonia and Valencia ). In Spain, 54 mandates were initially awarded in the European Parliament , but 59 were elected. 5 elected officials from Spain will move into the European Parliament after the UK has left the EU . There is no explicit threshold clause .

The elections were determined by the still smoldering conflict in Catalonia, particularly hotly contested mayoral elections in some large cities, and by the results of the national parliament elections four weeks earlier .

Electoral system

The European election takes place in Spain after the proportional system in the D'Hondt method . The whole of Spain forms a single constituency, no threshold clause is applied.

Starting position

European elections in Spain 2014
(in %)
LS i
Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
f Alliance of CDC , UDC , EAJ-PNV and others
i Blank ballot papers and others

In the 2014 European elections , the two people's parties, the conservative Partido Popular (PP) and the social democratic Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) suffered losses. The left parties Izquierda Unida (IU) and the newly founded Podemos as well as the liberal parties Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) and Ciudadanos (C's) were able to gain . In addition, several regional parties - traditionally strong in Spain - moved into the European Parliament via joint lists.

In the Spanish parliamentary elections in 2015 and 2016 , a four-party system formed from the PP, PSOE, the joint list of IU and Podemos and the Ciudadanos. Neither party was able to achieve a majority and coalition negotiations were unsuccessful. In December 2016 a minority government of the PP was formed. One of the dominant political issues in Spain since 2017 has been the Catalonia crisis ; The regional government in Catalonia declared independence in October 2017 after calling a referendum that the Constitutional Court had declared illegal. The Spanish government ousted the regional government from office while the judiciary opened criminal proceedings against leading separatist leaders, including Catalonia's Prime Minister, Carles Puigdemont , who had evaded the threatened trial by fleeing abroad with other personalities; At the same time, new elections for the Catalan regional parliament were scheduled for December 2017, which, however, again led to a narrow majority for the separatist parties in the Catalan parliament.

In May 2018, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy (PP) was withdrawn from parliament as a result of the belt affair and Pedro Sánchez (PSOE) was the new Prime Minister of a minority government with toleration u. a. by the Catalan separatists. After the government no longer received the necessary support in the budget debate, Sanchez called early parliamentary elections for April 28th in March 2019 . In these elections, the PSOE saw a significant increase in votes (but without having a sufficient majority to rule without tolerance for other parties), while the PP suffered a major slump. The right-wing populist Vox also entered parliament for the first time.

Simultaneous local elections play a role in the election campaign, especially in the two major cities of Barcelona, ​​where the previous mayor Ada Colau from the left-alternative platform Barcelona en Comú (which was also supported by the left-populist Podemos) and Madrid, where Mayor Manuela Carmena , originally nominated by Podemos as the top candidate of the Ahora Madrid civic platform, both of which have been running since 2015 in minority government against strong resistance from the bourgeois parties (and in Barcelona also against separatist candidates).

Controversy arose when the fugitive Puigdemont declared that he and the equally fugitive Catalan ex-ministers Toni Comin and Clara Ponsatí would run for election with the Junts per Catalunya (Junts per Europe) party in order to benefit from parliamentary immunity to get; On April 29, 2019, the Spanish electoral commission decided that they could not stand for election due to their stay abroad (and lack of registration of their place of residence). This decision was rejected by the Spanish Supreme Court.

Spanish MPs in the European Parliament

Before the election in May 2019, the 54 Spanish MPs were divided into five political groups:

Political party number European party fraction
Partido Popular (PP) 16 European People's Party EPP
More independent (chosen for UDC ) 1 -
Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) 13 European Social Democratic Party S&D
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (PSC) 1
Ciudadanos (Cs) 2 Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe ALDE
Partit Demòcrata Europeu Català (PDeCAT) 1
Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV) 1 European Democratic Party
Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) 1 -
Independent (chosen for UPyD ) 3 -
Podemos 5 Maintenant le Peuple GUE / NGL
Izquierda Unida (IU) 4th European left
Alternatively a galega de esquerda en Europa 1 -
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) 2 European Free Alliance Greens / EFA
EH Bildu 1
Equo 1 European Green Party
Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds (ICV) 1


The following lists for the 2019 election were announced:

List / Party (s) Alignment European party Seats
(before election)
Partido Popular (PP) conservative , Christian democratic EPP 16 EPP
Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) 1 social democratic SPE 14th S&D
Unidas Podemos cambiar Europa (UPCE) 2 left-populist , democratic-socialist MLP , EL , EGP , - 11 GUE / NGL , Greens / EFA
Ciudadanos (Cs) 8 liberal , central government ALDE 3 ALDE
Ahora Repúblicas (AR) 3 separatist , left-nationalist EFA , - 3 Greens / EFA
Coalición por una Europa Solidaria (CEUS) 5 regionalist , liberal EDP 1 ALDE
Junts per Catalunya (JuntsxCat) 6 Catalan nationalism , separatist - 1
Compromiso por Europea (CPE) 4 regionalist , eco - socialist EGP , EFA - Greens / EFA
Vox right-wing populist - - ENF
Partido Animalista Contra el Maltrato Animal (PACMA) Animal rights EA7 - -
Actua Left Eu. Jump - -
ADÑ Identidad Española 7 nationalist , fascist APF , - - -
1including Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (PSC, 1 mandate)
2Electoral alliance from Podemos ( MLP , 5 mandates GUE / NGL ), Izquierda Unida (EL, 4 mandates GUE / NGL), Equo ( EGP , 1 mandate Greens / EFA), Catalunya en Comú (including Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds , EGP, 1 mandate Greens / EFA), Anova (1 mandate GUE / NGL)
3Electoral alliance consisting of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (EFA, 2 mandates Greens / EFA), EH Bildu (GUE / NGL), Bloque Nacionalista Galego (EFA, 1 mandate Greens / EFA), Unidad del Pueblo, Congreso Nacional de las Canarias, Puyalón de Cuchas , Andecha Astur
4thElectoral alliance from Compromís (EFA), En Marea , Nueva Canarias , Més per Mallorca , Chunta Aragonesista (EFA), Coalición Caballas , Coalición por Melilla , Partido Castellano , Iniciativa del Pueblo Andaluz, Izquierda Andalucista, Verdes de Europa
5Electoral alliance of Eusko Alderdi Jeltzalea-Partido Nacionalista Vasco (EAJ-PNV), Coalición Canaria (CC), Partido Nacionalista Canario (PNC), Compromiso por Galicia (CxG), El Pi-Proposta per les Illes, Demòcrates Valencians (DV)
7thElectoral alliance made up of Democracia Nacional , Alternativa Española , Falange Española de las JONS , FE-La Falange
8thTogether with Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD); C's 2 MEP, UPyD 1 MEP


Client date PP PSOE UP UPyD CEU
PE / Equo
IU Pod.
El Mundo 05/20/2019 16.8 32.1 10.2 Cs 2.3 5.2 15.8 - 8.5 - ERC
ABC 05/20/2019 19.7 32.9 10.6 Cs 1.8 3.5 13.5 - 6.8 - ERC
La Razón May 19, 2019 19.3 30.1 13.3 Cs - - 15.9 - 7.2 - ERC
Electomania May 19, 2019 16.7 28.2 12.8 Cs 1.5 4.9 16.8 1.2 8.2 1.8 ERC
Electomania May 18, 2019 16.8 26.8 14.0 Cs 1.5 5.0 16.9 1.3 8.3 2.0 ERC
Public May 16, 2019 17.5 28.8 13.8 Cs 1.8 5.0 15.8 1.5 9.7 1.3 ERC May 16, 2019 17.9 28.9 12.8 Cs 2.3 5.8 16.5 1.8 7.2 2.0 ERC
Electomania May 16, 2019 16.3 25.7 14.1 Cs 1.5 5.4 16.9 1.5 8.7 2.5 ERC
El Independiente 05/15/2019 20th 30th 14th Cs - 6th 16 - 8th - ERC
Heno May 14, 2019 19.6 30.8 14.4 Cs - 3.8 15.6 - 7.7 - ERC
Electomania May 14, 2019 15.6 24.7 14.2 Cs 1.6 5.5 17.7 1.4 9.5 2.8 ERC
Election 2014 05/25/2014 26.1 23.0 10.0 8.0 6.5 5.4 4.0 3.2 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.1

Older surveys (excerpt)

April 2018 - May 2019
Client date PP PSOE UP UPyD CEU
PE / Equo
IU Pod.
ABC 05/12/2019 18.5 30.3 11.4 Cs 1.6 5.0 16.6 - 7.8 - ERC
Electomania 05/12/2019 15.2 24.6 13.9 Cs 1.5 5.5 17.7 1.4 10.0 2.7 ERC
El Pais 05/10/2019 18.9 28.9 14.8 Cs - 5.5 16.1 - 8.4 - ERC
Electomania 05/08/2019 14.9 22.9 14.1 Cs 1.6 5.8 18.3 1.4 10.3 2.6 ERC
CIS 04/23/2019 19th 30th 14th Cs 2 6th 15th - 8th 1.5 ERC
El Mundo 03/25/2019 21.8 29.6 12.7 Cs 1.4 4.7 13.8 - 9.6 1.0 ERC
Electomania 03/12/2019 19.0 21.8 10.9 Cs 3.1 5.3 18.3 3.0 13.3 3.0 ERC
Electomania 05.03.2019 19.1 21.3 11.1 Cs 3.0 5.1 18.8 2.4 13.4 3.1 ERC
El Mundo 02/28/2019 20.3 28.8 15.6 Cs 2.4 4.6 15.6 - 8.4 1.3 ERC
Electomanial 02/03/2019 16.0 21.3 11.3 - 3.1 6.3 21.0 1.8 13.0 1.8 ERC
El Español 05/01/2019 18.5 22.1 15.6 - 3.0 5.2 18.2 2.2 13.0 - ERC
Electomania 06/05/2018 17.2 21.6 16.8 0.2 4.1 3.3 22.7 2.8 4.6 4.2 1.4
PSOE 04/22/2018 23.6 26.4 4.0 7.7 - - - 18.2 - - - -
PP 04/10/2018 22.0 22.0 6.0 11.4 1.8 7.0 2.8 16.2 2.6 4.2 2.3 -
PSOE 04/09/2018 24.0 26.0 4.0 08.0 - - - 17.0 - - - -
Election 2014 05/25/2014 26.1 23.0 10.0 8.0 6.5 5.4 4.0 3.2 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.1


Course of the polls from the 2014 election to the 2019 election


Mandates in brackets will only be awarded after Brexit .


Results of the European elections in Spain 2019
Political party be right Seats
number % +/- number +/-
Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) 7,359,617 32.84 +9.83 20th +6
Partido Popular (PP) 4,510,193 20.13 −5.95 12 -4
Ciudadanos (Cs) 2,726,642 12.17 +9.00 7th +5
Unidos Podemos (UP) 2,252,378 10.05 +2.08 6th +1
Vox (Vox) 1,388,681 6.20 +4.63 3 +3
Ahora Repúblicas (AR) ERC , EHB and BNG 1,257,484 5.61 New 3 ± 0
Junts per Catalunya (Junts) 1,025,411 4.58 New 2 +1
Coalición por una Europa Solidaria (CEUS) EAJ-PNV , CC and others 633.265 2.83 New 1 ± 0
Compromiso por Europa (CpE) Compromís , NC , En Marea , CHA and others 296 091 1.32 New 0 −1
Partido Animalista Contra el Maltrato Animal (PACMA) 294 657 1.31 +0.18 0 ± 0
Other parties 448,808 2.92 0 0
total 15,348,649 100.0 - 54 (+5) - (+5)
Votes cast 15.710.216
Invalid votes 361,567
voter turnout 69.5% + 13.31%
Non-voters 12,549,357
Eligible voters 37.272.179

Political groups in the European Parliament

Political party Seats
number +/- %
Party of European Socialists (S&D) 20 (+1) +6 (+5) 37.04% (35.59%)
European People's Party (EPP) 12 (+1) −5 (−4) 22.22% (22.03%)
Renew Europe (RE) 8 (+1) ± 0 (+1) 14.82% (15.25%)
European United Left / Nordic Greens (GUE / NGL) 6 (± 0) −5 (−5) 11.11% (10.17%)
European Conservatives and Reformists (EKR) 3 (+1) +3 (+4) 5.56% 0(6.78%)
The Greens / European Free Alliance (Greens / EFA) 3 (± 0) −1 (−1) 5.56% 0(5.09%)
non-attached 2 (+1) +2 (+1) 3.70% 0(5.09%)
Identity and Democracy (ID) 0 New 0%
total 54 (+5) - (+5) 100.0

Individual evidence

  1. La Vanguardia: La Junta Electoral Central excluye a Puigdemont, Comín y Ponsatí de las europeas , April 29, 2019
  2. Euoronews: Puigdemont approved for the European elections , May 6, 2019
  6. Survey from May 20, 2019 , on
  7. Survey from May 20, 2019 , on
  8. Survey from May 19, 2019 , on
  9. Survey of May 19, 2019 , on
  10. Survey of May 18, 2019 , on
  11. Survey of May 16, 2019 , on
  12. Survey of May 16, 2019 , on
  13. Survey of May 16, 2019 , on
  14. Survey from May 15, 2019 , on
  15. Survey of May 14, 2019 , on
  16. Survey of May 14, 2019 , on
  17. Survey from May 12, 2019 , on
  18. Survey of May 12, 2019 , on
  19. Survey from May 10, 2019 , on
  20. Survey of May 9, 2019 , on
  21. Survey from April 23, 2019 , on
  22. Survey from March 25, 2019 , on
  23. Survey of March 12, 2019 , on
  24. Survey of March 5, 2019 , on
  25. Survey from February 28, 2019 , on
  26. Survey of March 3, 2019 , on
  27. Survey from January 5, 2019 , on
  28. Survey of June 5, 2018 , on
  29. Survey from April 22, 2019 , on
  30. Survey from April 10, 2018 , on
  32. Survey from April 9, 2019 , on