Parsifal Bassi

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Parsifal Bassi (born December 15, 1892 in Bologna , † January 10, 1960 there ) was an Italian actor and film director .


After his first appearances as an actor in smaller films, Bassi turned in 1920 for the production company La Murari Film in his hometown as director Povera piccola , whose success enabled him to sign a follow-up contract with Minerva Film in Rome , where he made a series of films until 1922, in which he was also starred, produced.

Slowed down by the crisis in Italian film, he was only able to return to the screens in 1934 with Il cardinale Lambertini, staged according to his own script , starring Ermete Zacconi , who was reviled by the critics, and after eight years Gioco d'azzardo , his last own film, followed. After working with Mario Bonnard , he ended his cinematic work.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1920: Povera piccola
  • 1921: La porta nel mondo
  • 1922: Un colpo di scena
  • 1934: Il cardinale Lambertini
  • 1942: Gioco d'azardo

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano, I Registi, Gremese 2002, p. 44