Paso Subercaseaux

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Paso Subercaseaux
Connects waters Gerlache Street
with water Lientur Canal
Separates land mass Lautaro Island
of land mass Bryde Island
Geographical location 64 ° 50 '16 "  S , 63 ° 6' 26"  W Coordinates: 64 ° 50 '16 "  S , 63 ° 6' 26"  W
Paso Subercaseaux (Antarctic Peninsula)
Paso Subercaseaux

Paso Subercaseaux ( Spanish ) is a strait west of the Danco coast of Graham Land on the Antarctic Peninsula . It connects the Gerlache Strait in the west with the Lientur Canal in the east between Lautaro Island in the north and San Eladio Point on Bryde Island in the south .

Chilean scientists named it after the writer Benjamin Subercaseaux (1902–1973), a participant in the 7th Chilean Antarctic Expedition (1952–1953) on the research vessel Maipo .

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