Pasquale Cicogna

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Palma il Giovane : Pasquale Cicogna

Pasquale Cicogna (born May 27, 1509 in Venice ; † April 2, 1595 ibid) was the 88th Doge of the Republic of Venice from 1585 to 1595. He supported Henry IV's claim to the French throne. Pope Sixtus V was also able to win Cicogna to support Heinrich through his conversion to Catholicism .

The Doge's Office

Pasqual Cicogna was noticeable negatively, as he only had silver coins scattered among the people during the procession for his coronation instead of the usual gold ducats, which was a clear break with tradition. These coins were called cicognini . In the course of his reign, Cicogna gained approval from the Venetians because he managed to solve difficult problems with diplomatic skills.

Coat of arms of Pasquale Cicognas
His grave.

Pasquale Cicogna was buried in the Dei Crociferi church.


  • Claudio Rendina: I Dogi. Storia e segreti. Rome 2003.
predecessor Office successor
Nicolò da Ponte Doge of Venice
1585 - 1595
Marino Grimani