Pasta house

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The pasta house ( Greek  παστάς pastas "vestibule") is a certain type of Greek house, for which there is numerous evidence, especially in Olynthian , and which seems to have spread from northern Greece . Other types of houses include the since the Bronze Age spread Megaron , which consists of the Megaron, merged with the Mediterranean courtyard house, developed Prostashaus and Hellenism widespread peristyle .

Reconstruction proposal of the houses on the north hill of Olynth.

The typical pasta house in Olynth is two-story and has a pent roof covered with laconic clay tiles . The base is square and measures around 17 × 17 meters. Not counting the courtyard, this results in around 500 m² of living space. The entrance to the pasta house is on the south side and initially leads into a small vestibule, the prothyron . Often a further vestibule leads from here into the dining room of the men ( Andron ). Standing on the walls increases the klinai , the floor often decorated with a pebble mosaic . From the Prothyron you can get to the paved courtyard (Aulê). This has either on one or on several sides arcades . The stairs to the upper floor are in one corner of the courtyard .

To the north of the courtyard is a transverse hall, which usually takes up the entire width of the house, the pastas, after which the house type is named. The house altar has its place either in the courtyard or in this pasta . The main living rooms are again north of the pastas. In the main room ( Oikos ) is the stove , next to it the not very large kitchen (Optanion), which also serves as a smoke outlet for the Oikos. Sometimes pasta houses in this area also have a bathroom (balaneion), but not latrines . In addition to the main room, there are also other living rooms (diaiteria).

The pasta house has hardly any windows on the outside, but the rooms receive light and air from the courtyard side. Sometimes a pasta house also has a shop on the street side, but it is completely separated from the living area.

The foundations and the wall plinths are about 50 centimeters thick and are made of quarry stone. At the top, adobe walls that are plastered (usually red, white or blue) and stuccoed. By incised lines at the bottom of ashlar work faked.


Individual evidence

  1. Floor plan of house A vii 4 as an example