Pastinachus stellurostris

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Pastinachus stellurostris
Subclass : Plate gill (Elasmobranchii)
without rank: Stingray (batoidea)
Order : Myliobatiformes
Family : Stingrays (Dasyatidae)
Genre : Pastinachus
Type : Pastinachus stellurostris
Scientific name
Pastinachus stellurostris
Last , Fahmi & Naylor , 2010

Pastinachus stellurostris is a species of stingray thatliveson the coast of western Borneo and in the Kapuas Estuary,and possibly also in Bang Pakong in Thailand .


Pastinachus stellurostris has a diamond-shaped, slightly elongated pectoral fin disc with a pointed snout. The disc reaches a width of 42 cm, making the species small for the genus. The long tail with the distinctive fold of skin on the middle third typical of the genus is about 2.5 times as long as the disc is wide. The back is dark brown with a tinge of green, the top of the tail a little lighter. The underside is white, with a narrow dark rim on the disc and pelvic fins. On the upper side of the snout it carries the eponymous, star-shaped placoid scales (Latin stella = star, Latin rostrum = snout). Along the line of the back it has a series of clearly pronounced thorns that continue on the tail to the fold of the skin.

Way of life

The species prefers to live in shallow coastal waters as well as the brackish and fresh water of estuaries. Little is known about their diet. The size, habitat and the shape and arrangement of the teeth typical of stingrays suggest that it mainly consumes small crustaceans .


Pastinachus stellurostris was first in 2010 as part of a research project of the Australian CSIRO described . Within the genus, it is particularly very similar to Pastinachus solocirostris in external appearance, with which it also lives sympathetically . Molecular genetic studies show Pastinachus stellurostris within the genus, which now comprises five species, however, the furthest related to Pastinachus solocirostris . Outwardly, the species can be distinguished by the shape of the placoid scales on the snout and the thorns along the back line, which are absent in solocirostris . All other species of the genus have a rounded snout without placoid scales and are usually larger.

Cladogram of the genus Pastinachus


  • Peter R. Last, Fahmi, Gavin J. P. Naylor: Pastinachus stellurostris sp. nov., a new stingray (Elasmobranchii, Myliobatiformes) from Indonesian Borneo. In: PR Last, WT White, JJ Pogonoski (Ed.): Descriptions of new sharks and rays from Borneo. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper no. 32; Pp. 129–140, 2010 ( full text , 7.24 MB)

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