Patricio Pron

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Patricio Pron (2017).

Patricio Pron (born December 9, 1975 in Rosario ) is an Argentine writer.


Patricio Pron studied communication at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario and worked from 2002 to 2007 as a Spanish teacher at the University of Göttingen . During this time he wrote his dissertation on the Parisian comic author Copi , with which he received his doctorate in 2007 with Manfred Engelbert in Göttingen.

Since 2008 he has been working in Madrid as a freelance writer and journalist. Among other things, he writes literary reviews for the Spanish newspaper El País and for La Capital in Rosario. Pron translates literary texts from German, English, French and Italian.

Pron writes short stories and novels. His first novel El espíritu de mis padres sigue subiendo en la lluvia (The spirit of my fathers rises in the rain) appeared in various languages ​​and also in a German translation by Christian Hansen . In it Pron deals with the Argentine military dictatorship .


Fonts (selection)

  • Formas de morir , Universidad Nacional de Rosario Editora, Rosario, 1998
  • Hombres infames , Bajo la Luna Nueva, 1999
  • El vuelo magnífico de la noche , Colihue, Buenos Aires, 2001
  • Nadadores muertos , Editorial Municipal de Rosario, 2001
  • Burkhard Pohl, Patricio Pron (Ed.): Zerfurchtes Land. New stories from Argentina . Göttingen: Hainholz, 2002
  • Una puta mierda , El cuenco de plata, Buenos Aires, 2007
  • El comienzo de la primavera , Mondadori, Barcelona, ​​2008
  • Borges + 5 grandchildren. Living & Writing in Argentina , in: die horen , 238 = vol. 55, vol. 2, 2010
  • El mundo sin las personas que lo afean y lo arruinan , Mondadori, Barcelona, ​​2010
  • El espíritu de mis padres sigue subiendo en la lluvia , Mondadori, Barcelona, ​​2011
    • My fathers spirit rises in the rain . Translation Christian Hansen . Reinbek: Rowohlt, 2013
  • Trayéndolo todo de regreso a casa. Relatos 1990–2010 , El Cuervo, La Paz, 2011
  • La vida interior de las plantas de interior , Mondadori, 2013
  • Nosotros caminamos en sueños , Literatura Random House, Barcelona, ​​2014
  • El libro tachado. Prácticas de la negación y el silencio en la crisis de la literatura , Turner, Madrid, 2014
  • No derrames tus lágrimas por nadie que viva en estas calles , Literatura Random House, Barcelona, ​​2016
    • Shed your tears for no one who lives in these streets . Christian Hansen in Romanian. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 2019


  • Ulrich Winter: Legibility of history and the concepts of the political. Childhood and dictatorship in the Argentine post-memoria with Marcelo Figueras and Patricio Pron (novel, film, blog) In: Patrick Eser / Jan-Henrik Witthaus (eds.): Memoria - Postmemoria: the Argentine military dictatorship (1976–1983) in context the culture of remembrance . Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2016 ISBN 978-3-631-65761-4 , pp. 151-164

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Aquí me río de las modas". Procedimientos transgresivos en la narrativa de Copi y su importancia para la constitución de una nueva poética en la literatura argentina (German: "Here I laugh about the fashions". Transgressive procedures in Copis' prose and their importance in the emergence of a new poetics in the Argentine literature) , at the University of Göttingen