Paul Lemerle

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Paul Émile Lemerle (born April 22, 1903 in Paris ; † July 17, 1989 there ) was a French Byzantinist .

It was in 1945 with a thesis on city Philippi in late antique and Byzantine times combined, in which he historical and archaeological research methods, PhD . Lemerle was at the École française d'Athènes (1931–1941), at the Faculté des Lettres de Dijon (1942–1947), at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (1947–1968), at the Sorbonne (1958–1967) and worked at the Collège de France (1967–1973). In 1978 Lemerle was admitted to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and in 1981 to the British Academy . He was the founding president of the Association Internationale des Études Byzantines .


  • Le style byzantine. 1943.
  • Philippes et la Macédoine orientale à l'époque chrétienne et byzantine. Recherches d'histoire et d'archéologie (= Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome. Fascicle 158). 2 volumes (text and table), E. de Boccard, Paris 1945 (also Thèse de doctorat ).
  • L'émirat d'Aydin, Byzance et l'Occident. 1957.
  • Histoire de Byzance. 1960. English translation: A history of Byzantium. 1964.
  • Élèves et professeurs à Constantinople au Xe siècle. 1969.
  • Le premier humanism byzantine. 1971.
  • Cinq études sur le XIe siècle Byzantine. 1977.
  • Le monde de Byzance. 1978.
  • Les plus anciens recueils des miracles de Saint Démétrius et la pénétration des Slaves dans les Balkans. 1979.
  • The agrarian history of Byzantium from the origins to the twelfth century. 1979.
  • Essais sur le monde Byzantine. 1980.
  • Byzantine humanism, the first phase. 1986.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Deceased Fellows. British Academy, accessed June 28, 2020 .